Monday, September 19, 2022 6:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, led by West Elementary students
3. Guests
3.A. Presentation of East Texas Professional Credit Union Rally Cards Reward
4. Recognitions
4.A. Students of the Month
5. Public Forum
6. Consent Items
6.A. Minutes of the special and regular meetings on August 15, 2022 and the special meetings held on August 22, 2022
6.B. Naming of School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Co-Chairperson and Parent Chairperson
7. Administrative Reports
7.A. Superintendent's Report
Sandra Quarles
7.A.1. Dates for the Board
7.A.2. Report on roofing projects
7.A.3. Correspondence
7.B. Business Manager's Report
Daniel Pritchett
7.B.1. August, 2022 Financial Reports
7.B.1.a. Income/Expense Reports
7.B.1.b. Financial Statement
7.B.1.c. Investment Report
7.B.1.d. Revenue Report
7.B.1.e. Budget/Expenditure Report
7.B.1.f. Disbursements Report
7.B.1.g. Utilities Report
7.B.2. Budget Amendment Information from August Approval
7.C. Presentation and Review of Student Handbooks
8. Action Items
8.A. Deliberate and consider adoption of revised DEC (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits, Leaves and Absences school board policy
8.B. Deliberate and consider adoption of revised CKC (LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management, Emergency Plans and DH (LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct school board policies
8.C. Deliberate and consider approval of DLSISD 2022-2023 Attendance Accounting Procedures Manual
9. Closed Session
9.A. Consultation with Attorney - Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071
9.B. Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of individual public officers, including board members or employees - Texas Gov't Code Section 551.074
10. Return to Open Session
11. Action from Closed Session
11.A. Only if necessary, discuss, consider, and take any necessary action related to the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of individual public officers, including board members or employees
12. Future Topics
13. Adjournment