October 15, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Guests
4. Public Forum
5. Consent Items
5.A. Minutes of regular meeting on September 17, 2018
5.B. Approval of disbursements over $10,000
6. Administrative Reports
6.A. Superintendent's Report
Sandra Quarles
6.A.1. Dates for the Board
6.A.2. Accountability Report
6.A.2.a. Plan for setting board accountability goals
6.A.2.b. South Elementary Needs Assessment
6.A.3. Northeast Texas School Board Association Fall Dinner Meeting
6.A.4. Correspondence
6.B. Business Manager's Report
David O'Dell
6.B.1. September, 2018 Financial Reports
6.B.1.a. Income/Expense Reports
6.B.1.b. Financial Statement
6.B.1.c. Revenue Report
6.B.1.d. Budget/Expenditure Report
6.B.1.e. Disbursements Report
6.B.1.f. Food Service Report
6.B.1.g. Investment Report
6.B.1.h. Utilities Report
6.B.2. Year End Recapitulation - 2017 Tax Year
7. Action Items
7.A. Deliberate and consider adoption of Resolution Approving Independent Sources of Investment Training
7.B. Deliberate and consider adoption of Resolution Stating Review of Investment Policy, Investment Strategies, and Designation of Investment Officer
7.C. Deliberate and consider adoption of Resolution of Board Approving Examinations for Acceleration or to Earn Credit
7.D. Deliberate and consider approval of purchase of police car
7.E. Deliberate and consider approval of 2018 Tax Roll Approval and Tax Levy Resolution
7.F. Deliberate and consider approval of budget amendments
8. Closed Session
8.A. Deliberation concerning letter of resignation of professional personnel - Texas Gov't Code §551.074
8.B. Deliberation concerning employment of professional personnel - Texas Gov't Code §551.074
8.C. Consultation with Attorney - Texas Gov't Code §551.071
8.D. Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers, including school board members or employees - Texas Gov't Code §551.074
9. Return to Open Session
10. Action from Closed Session
10.A. Only if necessary, discuss, consider, and take any necessary action related to the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers or employees
10.B. Deliberation and possible action concerning letter of resignation of professional personnel
10.C. Deliberation and possible action concerning employment of professional personnel
11. Future Topics
12. Adjournment