June 12, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call and Establish a Quorum
4. Additional Items
5. Public Comment
6. Agenda
6.A. Consent Agenda
All items listed below are considered to be routine by the Crosslake Community Schools Board of Education and will be acted upon by one motion; however, any Board Director may request that items on the Consent Agenda be removed from it for independent consideration. Any items so identified will be moved to the Action Item portion of the Agenda. |
6.A.1. Board of Education Minutes - May 8, 2023
6.A.2. Finance Meeting Minutes - June 8, 2023
6.A.3. EE Seat Based Committee Meeting Minutes - May 18, 2023
6.A.4. Academic Performance/Achievement and World's Best Workforce - May 25, 2023
6.A.5. Personnel Matters
New Hires Name: Jessica Stanley Position: Seat Based Summer School Paraprofessional Step: n/a Wage: $20.00/hour Start Date: 6/6/23 Name: Lisa Steffen Position: Seat Based Kindergarten Teacher Step: 14 FTE: 1.0 Salary: $47,458.39 Start Date: 8/28/23 Name: Eileen Kulseth Position: Seat Based Art Teacher Step: 3 FTE: 0.35 Salary: $13,359.16 Start Date: 8/28/23 Name: Floyd Roberts III Position: Seat Based Custodian/Maintenance Step: n/a FTE: 15 hours/week Wage: $21.00 Start Date: 5/19/23 Name: John Oyaas Position: Seat Based Custodian/Maintenance Step: n/a FTE: 25 hours/week Wage: $21.00 Start Date: July 2023 Name: Sheila Berg Position: Online Student and Family Engagement Coordinator Step: 3 FTE: 1.0 Salary: $38,169.03 Start Date: 8/28/23 Name: Elizabeth Kyllo Position: Online Social Studies Teacher and Learning Coach Step: 2 FTE: 1.0 Salary: $37,420.61 Start Date: 8/28/23 |
6.A.6. Gifts and Donations
Donations for planters: pallets and dirt - B. Thull Dirt hauling: Chadwick Co. (Chad Veit) Crosslake Food Shelf - miscellaneous items for staff and student prizes Tim and Kathy Bierman - school supplies in memory of their brother, Robert Bierman, who passed away and was a teacher in the Twin Cities for 33 years Moonlite Bay - pizzas for the TeamWorks board meeting May 31 |
6.A.7. IRS Form 990 - Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
6.A.8. Remain with Pan-O-Gold Baking, Inc. for 2023-2024 Bakery Products.
6.B. LAKE Foundation
LAKE Foundation give an update about the Christine Sesin Scholarship that was presented to Richard Spencer. |
6.C. Budgets
6.C.1. FY 23 Revised Budget
Approve the FY23 Revised which now includes a greatly increased net funds total.
6.C.2. FY 24 Budget
Consider increasing the additional compensation amount from 7% (originally approved last month) to up to 10%. Approve the FY24 budget. |
6.D. Academic, Environmental Education, and Performance Improvement Plan Updates
Holly Amaya
UPDATED 6.6.23 Academic Goal Progress
(note: Osprey Wilds' monthly Board of Education rotation of Exhibit S schedule is included each month for reference purposes only)
6.E. Action Items
6.E.1. Review and Approve May Financial Information
6.E.2. Dieci School Finance, LLC
Client Service agreement is from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026.
6.F. Information/Discussion Items
6.F.1. District Personnel
Online Looking to hire SPED, Science, and Learning Coach Seat-Based Looking to hire three paraprofessionals (note: Board of Education approved Hiring Procedure is included each month for reference purposes)
6.F.2. Policy Review
410 Family and Medical Leave 413 Harassment and Violence 413FRM Harassment and Violence Reporting Form 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse 414FRM Confidential Student Maltreatment Reporting Form 603 Curriculum Development 606 Textbooks and Instructional Materials 806 Crisis Management 807 Health and Safety
6.F.3. Strategic Planning Matters
Holly Amaya
6.F.4. Satisfaction Surveys
Online Parent/Guardian Survey
6.F.5. Director Evaluations
6.F.6. Employee Retention Credit - Agreement with MaGill Accounting
6.F.7. Executive Director Exploratory Committee
6.F.8. Facilities Planning Committee
6.F.9. Board Meeting Schedule 23-24
Proposed dates for Board of Education meetings based on third Monday of a month.
6.F.10. Draft Committee/Task Sign Up Form
Directors are working on a new system to compensate staff for additional committee and task work - draft of system is attached. This info has been shared with staff and we are seeking their feedback. Plan is to finalize this over the summer to include in the staff handbook.
6.F.11. Q-Comp Annual Report SY 23
6.G. Reports
(note: board appointed committees schedule is included for reference purposes only) |
6.G.1. CCS' Directors
6.G.2. Finance Committee
6.G.3. Academic Performance/Achievement and World's Best Workforce
6.G.4. EE Seat-Based Committee
6.G.5. EE Online Committee
6.G.6. Directors' Evaluations
7. Authorizer Update
8. Next Month's Meeting Preparation
8.A. Suggestion for Discussion Topics for Next Meeting
8.B. Policy Review
9. Board Meeting Evaluation
10. Adjourn the Regular Board of Education Meeting