November 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order and roll call
Pledge and moment of silence
Pledge of Allegiance to United States and Texas flags
Moment of silence
Awards and Recognitions
Veterans Day Presentation
Student Recognition for Roger E. Sides Elementary Student Council
Student Recognition for Karnes City Junior High Students of the Month
Public Comments: (Comments and/or statements must be made in a civil and courteous fashion pursuant to Robert's Rules of Order and Board Policy.)
Consent Agenda
Board meeting minutes - October 12, 2021 - Regular Meeting; October 19, 2021 - Special Meeting.
Monthly district financial reports
Monthly bills
Budget summary
Investment report
Tax collection report
Superintendent's Report
Baseball Field
Turf - Jim Wood
Presentation for SchoolMed
Redistricting of Board Single Member Districts - Karnes City ISD Committee Nominations
Model School Conference Expenses
Special Meeting - November 20, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.
Items for consideration and possible action
Consider and take possible action regarding a resolution for a one time incentive retention stipend for district employees for the 2021-2022 school year.
Consider and take possible action regarding resolution joining Region One Education Service Center Purchasing Cooperative.
Consider and take possible action regarding invoice: Texas Rural Student Transportation, LLC.
Consider and take possible action regarding invoice: PBK.
Consider and take possible action regarding Budget Amendments
Consider and take possible action regarding the District Improvement Plan.
Consider and take possible action regarding the 2022-2023 Karnes County Appraisal District Board of Directors Election
Consider and take possible action regarding Policy Update 118 affecting local policies:
Closed Meeting (Pursuant to Texas Gov't Code § 551.001 et seq)
Discuss employment (Texas Gov't Code § 551.074)
Head Football Coach
Interim Athletic Director
Reconvene from Closed Meeting and continue with items for consideration and possible action (pursuant to Texas Gov't Code § 551.102)
Consider and take possible action regarding employment
Head Football Coach
Interim Athletic Director