November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order
II. Declaration of Quorum
III. Invocation
IV. Student/Teacher Recognition
V. Public Forum
V.A. Public participation is limited to the designated open forum for a meeting per board policy BED(LOCAL)
VI. Matters for Discussion (and action if needed)
VI.A. Oath of office for elected board members in November 5, 2024 Trustee Election
VI.B. Reorganization of the board members
VI.C. Schedule required trustee trainings
VI.D. Approve the Minutes from Previous Meetings
VI.E. Review District Expenditures
VI.F. Discuss and Consider approval to apply for the LASO strong foundations implementation grant
VI.G. Discuss and Consider a one-year contract with The Faulk Company for custodial services
VI.H. Discuss and Consider Budget Amendment for Security General Supplies 19952639900999599000 increasing from $0 to $2500
VII. Superintendent Reports
VIII. Executive session
VIII.A. Resignations or employment of employees
VIII.A.1. Personnel: Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
VIII.A.1.a. Discuss and consider employment of a substitute teacher who received the early incentive bonus last year.
VIII.B. School safety
VIII.C. Real Property Discussion
IX. Open Session
IX.A. Action, if any, on personnel needs
IX.B. Action, if any, on school safety
IX.C. Board Training
X. Adjourn