April 23, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Determination of Quorum, Call to Order, and Pledges of Allegiance
II. Closed Session (authorized by TX Gov’t Code Section 551.071, 551.129, 551.074)
II.A. Personnel: Consider Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of
Professional Employees |
II.B. Termination of Professional Educator Probationary Contract
II.C. Discussion of the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
III. Recognition/Presentations
III.A. Jack Frost Citizens Awards
III.B. UIL Presentation
Beth Purcell
III.C. Future Chef Regional Finalist
Karen Kovach
IV. Hearing of Citizens Who Desire to Come Before the Board
V. Disposition of Communication Addressed to the Board
VI. Board Community Relations Report
VII. Information Items
Karen Dooley
VIII. Financial Statements and Reports
VIII.A. Tax Assessor/Collector’s Report
VIII.B. Report of Securities Pledged Against Deposits
VIII.C. Year-to-Date Budget Report
VIII.D. Investment Report
VIII.E. Bond Construction Summaries
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Consideration and Action to Approve Minutes of Previous Board Meetings
IX.B. Consideration and Action on Approval of Budget Amendment #9 for 2013-2014
Steve West
IX.C. Consideration and Action to Authorize the CFO to Sign the Amended Sodexo Contract For the Period of July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Steve West
IX.D. Consider and Action to Approve a Contract to Construct Elementary School #11
David Biesheuvel
IX.E. Consideration and Action to Approve a Contract to Construct an Addition on to Benold Middle School to Function as an Orchestra Room
David Biesheuvel
IX.F. Consideration and Action on TASB Policy Update 99
Karen Dooley
IX.G. Consideration and Action on Middle School Boundaries
X. Superintendent’s Report
XI. Old Business
XI.A. Central Texas Advisory Committee
XII. Closed Session (authorized by TX Gov’t Code Section 551.071, 551.129, 551.074)
XII.A. Personnel: Consider Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of Professional Employees
XII.B. Termination of Professional Educator Probationary Contract
XII.C. Discussion of the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
XIII. Action on Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of Professional Employees
XIV. Action to Terminate Probationary Professional Educator Contracts Effective at the End of the Contract
XV. Action on the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
XVI. Adjourn
XVII. Determination of Quorum, Call to Order, and Pledges of Allegiance
XVIII. Closed Session (authorized by TX Gov’t Code Section 551.071, 551.129, 551.074)
XIX. Recognition/Presentations
XIX.A. Jack Frost Citizens Awards
XIX.B. Future Chef Regional Finalist
Karen Kovach
XX. Hearing of Citizens Who Desire to Come Before the Board
XXI. Disposition of Communication Addressed to the Board
XXII. Board Community Relations Report
XXIII. Information Items
XXIV. Action Items
XXIV.A. Consideration and Action to Approve Minutes of Previous Board Meetings
XXV. Superintendent’s Report
XXVI. Old Business
XXVI.A. Central Texas Advisory Committee
XXVII. Closed Session (authorized by TX Gov’t Code Section 551.071, 551.129, 551.074)