June 18, 2012 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Determination of Quorum, Call to Order, and Pledges of Allegiance
II. Public Hearing of Citizens Who Desire to Come Before the Board Regarding the Internet Safety Policy for GISD
III. Construction Updates
IV. Public Hearing of Citizens Who Desire to Come Before the Board Regarding the Proposed 2012-2013 Budget
V. Closed Session (authorized by TX Gov’t Code Section 551.071, 551.129, 551.074)
V.A. Receive Legal Advice Pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code 551.071 Regarding Contemplated Litigation and a Settlement Offer Related to Those Connected With the District's Financial Audits
V.B. Personnel: Consider Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of
Professional Employees |
V.C. Discussion of the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
VI. Hearing of Citizens Who Desire to Come Before the Board
VII. Disposition of Communication Addressed to the Board
VIII. Board Community Relations Report
IX. Financial Statements and Reports
IX.A. Tax Assessor/Collector’s Report
IX.B. Report of Securities Pledged Against Deposits
IX.C. Year-to-Date Budget Report
IX.D. Investment Report
IX.E. Bond Construction Summaries
IX.F. Approval of Payment of Bills for May 2012
X. Information Items
X.A. Policy Update 94
XI. Action Items
XI.A. Take Action, if any, Concerning Legal Counsel to Pursue, Investigate, and File a Lawsuit Against, if Warranted, Those Connected With the District's Financial Audits
XI.B. Consider and Approve Change Order #1 to the Contract to Construct Parking Lots at Village ES, Frost ES and GISD Admin Office
XI.C. Approval on Minutes of Previous Meetings
XI.D. Approval For the Adoption of an Internet Safety Policy, Responsible Use Policy for Students, and Responsible Use Policy For Employees as Presented
XI.E. Consideration and Action to Approve Amended Budget for 2011-2012
XI.F. Approval of the GISD Budget for 2012-2013
XI.G. Approval of Williamson County JJAEP Memorandum of Understanding for the 2012-2013 School Year
XI.H. Consideration and Approval of Food Service Management Contract
XI.I. Approval of Agreement With R.O.C.K. to Utilize House Located on Mitchell Property
XI.J. Organization of the Board
XII. Superintendent’s Report
XII.A. November 2010 Bond
XII.B. Discussion of Tax Ratification Election (TRE)
Steve West
XII.C. Testing Update
Dr. Brenda Albright
XIII. Old Business
XIII.A. Goal Setting
XIII.B. Central Texas Advisory Committee
XIV. Closed Session (authorized by TX Gov’t Code Section 551.071, 551.129, 551.074)
XIV.A. Personnel: Consider Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of Professional Employees
XIV.B. Discussion of the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
XV. Action on Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of Professional Employees
XVI. Action on the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
XVII. Adjourn