May 21, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Determination of Quorum, Call to Order, and Pledges of Allegiance
II. Canvass of Election Results
III. Oath of Office Administered to Elected Board Members
The Honorable Steve Benton
IV. Recognitions/Presentations
IV.A. Jack Frost Citizens Award
IV.B. 2011-2012 Valedictorian & Salutatorian Recognition
IV.C. 2011-2012 Teachers of the Year
IV.D. 2011-2012 Years of Service Awards (30+ Years)
IV.E. State Contestants in UIL; Gold Medal Winners in UIL Press Conference; State and National Gold Medal Winners in Art
IV.F. Presentation of No Place for Hate
V. Hearing of Citizens Who Desire to Come Before the Board
VI. Disposition of Communication Addressed to the Board
VII. Board Community Relations Report
VIII. Financial Statements and Reports
VIII.A. Tax Assessor/Collector’s Report
VIII.B. Report of Securities Pledged Against Deposits
VIII.C. Year-to-Date Budget Report
VIII.D. Investment Report
VIII.E. Bond Construction Summaries
VIII.F. Consideration And Action on Approval of Budget Amendment #6 For 2011-2012
VIII.G. Approval of Payment of Bills for April 2012
IX. Information Items
IX.A. Update on Short-term Borrowing for Cash Flow Needs
Steve West
IX.B. Presentation of Projected 2012-2013 Budget
Steve West
IX.C. Information on Internet Safety Policy, Responsible Use Policy for Students, and Responsible Use Policy for Employees
Donnie Bruton
IX.D. Information on Lone Star Circle of Care Proposal
X. Action Items
X.A. Approval on Minutes of Previous Meeting
X.B. Approval of Annual Commercial Buyer Representation Agreement for May 15, 2012 – May 14, 2013
X.C. Consider and Approve the Construction Contract to Renovate Frost Elementary School
X.D. Approval of School Lunch and Snack Prices for 2012-2013
X.E. Approval of Automated Accounts Payable Processing
X.F. Approval to Accept a Grant from the San Marcos Civic Foundation
X.G. Approval of Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standarized Testing of Texas Public School Students
XI. Superintendent’s Report
XI.A. November 2010 Bond
XI.B. 2011-2012 GHS and Richarte Graduation Ceremonies
XII. Old Business
XII.A. Goal Setting
XII.B. Central Texas Advisory Committee
XIII. Closed Session (authorized by TX Gov’t Code Section 551.071, 551.129, 551.074)
XIII.A. Personnel: Consider Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of Professional Employees
XIII.B. Discussion of the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
XIV. Action on Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of Professional Employees
XV. Action on the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
XVI. Adjourn