February 21, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Determination of Quorum, Call to Order, and Pledges of Allegiance
II. Closed Session (authorized by TX Gov’t Code Section 551.071, 551.129, 551.074)
II.A. Receive legal advice pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code 551.071 regarding (1) contemplated litigation and a settlement offer related to those connected with the District’s financial advice; and (2) contemplated litigation concerning those connected with the District’s financial audits.
II.B. Superintendent's Evaluation
II.C. Personnel: Consider Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of
Professional Employees |
II.D. Discussion of the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
III. Recognition/Presentations
III.A. Presentation on Salamander Listing
III.B. Jack Frost Citizens Award
Amy Beran
III.C. 2012 Course Guide Cover Winners
III.D. 2012 Georgetown High School National Merit Scholar Finalist
III.E. Recognition of GISD's Academic UIL Program
III.F. Healthy High School Challenge Award
III.G. Go Red in February
IV. Hearing of Citizens Who Desire to Come Before the Board
V. Disposition of Communication Addressed to the Board
VI. Board Community Relations Report
VII. Financial Statements and Reports
VII.A. Tax Assessor/Collector’s Report
VII.B. Report of Securities Pledged Against Deposits
VII.C. Year-to-Date Budget Report
VII.D. Investment Report
VII.E. Bond Construction Summaries
VII.F. Approval of Payment of Bills for January 2012
VII.G. Consideration and Action on Approval of Budget Amendment #3 for 2011-12
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Approval on Minutes of Previous Meetings
VIII.B. Approval to Award Contract to Sprint Wireless in The Amount of $58,321 for District Cellular Services
Donnie Bruton
VIII.C. Approval of 2012-2013 District Calendar
VIII.D. Approval of Proposed Attendance Zones for McCoy and Frost Elementaries
IX. Superintendent’s Report
IX.A. November 2010 Bond: GHS Asbestos Abatement
IX.B. March Board Meeting Date
X. Old Business
X.A. Goal Setting
X.B. Central Texas Advisory Committee
XI. Closed Session (authorized by TX Gov’t Code Section 551.071, 551.129, 551.074)
XI.A. Superintendent's Evaluation
XI.B. Personnel: Consider Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of Professional Employees
XI.C. Discussion of the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
XII. Action on Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Duties of Professional Employees
XIII. Consider the Need For a Reduction in Force Arising From a Program Change Which May
Result in the Nonrenewal of One or More Term Contract Employees and Adopt a Resolution Declaring the Same |
XIV. Consider the Employment Areas to be Affected by a Reduction in Force Arising From a Program Change
XV. Take action, if any, concerning legal issues, pursuit of claims, and accept, reject, or counter the settlement offer regarding those connected with the District’s financial advice.
XVI. Take action, if any, concerning legal issues and pursuit of claims regarding those connected with the District’s financial audits.
XVII. Action on the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
XVIII. Adjourn