May 8, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Modifications
IV. Presentation(s):
IV.A. MS Science Materials - Kyle Maginity
IV.B. 5th Grade Project Based Learning by Mike Wilson and Chris Baxter
V. Announcements and Comments
V.A. Superintendent
V.A.1. Reminder of Finance Committee of the Whole Meeting 6/5/23
V.A.2. Policy Committee Update
V.A.3. Safety Training and Planning Update
V.A.4. Paint The Town Red- Thank you Boosters
V.B. Board of Education
V.B.1. Board Comments
VI. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Move by ___, support by___ that Consent Agenda items be adopted, as presented.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
VII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Motion to approve the Board of Education meeting minutes of April 10, 2023.
VII.B. Business and Finance Items
VII.B.1. Payment of the Monthly Bills
Motion to approve the monthly bills
General Fund - $507,264.55 Food Service - $ 29,111.63 Bond Fund - $353,356,35 Total Expenditures - $889,732.53
VII.B.2. Donation
VII.B.2.a. The Beckman Family Donation
Motion to approve a donation from The Beckman Family for the Jason Paul Beckman Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $5,000 for Boyne City High School Graduates with the intention of a $1,000 scholarship annually for the next 5 years, as recommended administratively.
VII.B.2.b. WB Builders Donation
Motion to approve a donation from WB Builders for the BCHS Baseball Program in the amount of $500, as recommended administratively.
VIII. Discussion Items
VIII.A. Char-Em ISD Budget
VIII.B. BCEC Summer of 2024 Renovations
VIII.C. Building Trades Home Listing Price - 423 Maddy Lane
Based on consultation with Lynda Christensen (district realtor), Todd Shumaker (Instructor), Carrie South (appraiser), and the Building Trades Advisory Committee, Pat Little is recommending the listing price be $345,000.
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Char-EM Budget
Move by__, support by__ to confirm the 2023-2024 Char-Em ISD General Fund Budget Resolution.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__.
IX.B. Approval of Matt Windle as the new Athletic Director
Move by__, support by__ to approve the hiring of Matt Windle as the new Athletic Director, as recommended administratively.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__.
IX.C. Approve the 2024 BCEC Renovation Plan
Move by__, support by__ to approve the 2024 BCEC Renovation Plan, as recommended administratively.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
IX.D. Building Trades Home Listing Price - 423 Maddy Lane
Move by__, support by__ to set the listing price at $345,000 for the Building Trades Home located at 423 Maddy Lane (15-051-075-006-00). The property will be sold "By Owner" for the first 10 days and then by Lynda Christensen of Lynda's Real Estate Services, as recommended administratively.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
IX.E. 2023 Tax Rate
Move by__, support by__ to approve the tax rate request (L4029) amounts as follows:
18.0000 mills for voted Operating 3.14 mills for voted Debt Total debt millage is 3.1400 which is the same rate as 2022. Motion (carried/failed)__to__.
X. Correspondence
X.A. Good Job Notes
XI. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XII. Additional Action/Discussion Items (if any)
XIII. Adjournment
Move by__, support by__ to adjourn the meeting at ___p.m.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |