June 12, 2017 at 7:20 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Modifications to the Agenda
IV. Announcements and Comments
IV.A. Superintendent
IV.A.1. Technology Purchases - Mike Wilson
IV.A.2. State Budget Update
IV.A.3. Construction Update
IV.B. Board of Education
V. Correspondence
V.A. Thank you card from Boyne City High School Staff thanking the Board for the cookies for Staff Appreciation Week.
V.B. Letter from Evangeline Township thanking the District to allow the community to use our property for multi-use trails and the display of community collaboration it represents.
VI. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Motion by _____, support by _____, "that the Consent Agenda items for the June 12, 2017 meeting of the Board of Education be adopted, as presented."
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
VII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
VII.A.1. Approval of Minutes
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the Finance Committee meeting minutes of June 5, 2017, Special meeting minutes of May 22, 2017, as presented.”
VII.B. Business and Finance Items
VII.B.1. Payment of the Bills
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Gross Payroll as paid in the amount of $807,168.47; General Fund bills as paid in the amount of $97,548.53; and Food Service bills as paid in the amount of $13,614.18, 2016 Capital Bond Fund bills in the amount of $412,451.05; for a total of $1,330,782.23 for all funds."
VII.B.2. MASB Membership
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the MASB dues for 2017-2018 school year, as recommended administratively".
VII.B.3. Booster Donations
Motion: "that the Board approve the Booster Foundation donations in the total amount of $19,998.94, as recommended administratively"
$399.00 - 2nd grade, Alternative (scoop) seating and Osmo bases & activities for Math, Phonics & coding $490.42 - 2nd Grade; microphones, Green Screen & added supplies $150.52 - 3rd grade; Green Screen, microphones, books, clamps & cardboard cutting tools. $2,187.00 - Athletics; Baseball Scoreboard $2,200.00 - HS Rambler Rowdies $800.00 - Athletics; Boys Tennis Invitational Fees and Tennis Balls $4,000.00 - Athletics; Girls/Boys Tennis Teams Ball Machine $1,200.00 - Middle School; WEB team $3,020.00 - HS D.C. Trip; Museum entrance fees (Gettysburg, Mt. Vernon & Arlington) $500.00 - MS Science; STEM materials $2,792.00 - Varsity Night; dinners for honored guests (students), as well as Coaches/Advisors $2,260.00 - Bond; Outdoor speakers and a Marching Podium |
VII.B.4. Merit Award-Lambie
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve a donation from Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Lambie of $300.00 to replenish the Scholarship Fund to the $1200 balance that the high school received in the 2013-14 school year, as recommended administratively".
VII.C. Personnel Items:
VII.C.1. New Hire - Chief Financial Officer
Motion: "that the Board of Education hire Irene Byrne as the Chief Financial Officer effective July 1, 2017, as recommended administratively".
VII.C.2. New Hire - First Grade Teacher
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Kelsey Bamberg as a full time (1 FTE) first grade teacher starting the 2017-2018 school year, as recommended administratively".
VII.C.3. HS Language Arts Teacher
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Nicole Seymore for an additional .5 FTE High School Language Arts Teacher, as recommended administratively".
VII.C.4. Request Approval
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the request for Kyle Maginity to take one (1) year leave from the BCEA Teachers Union and teaching position, as recommended administratively".
VII.C.5. Full Time District Instructional Technology Coach
Motion: "that the Board of Education hire Kyle Maginity as a full time (1FTE) District Instructional Technology Coach effective July 1, 2017, as recommended administratively".
VII.C.6. Resignation
Motion: "that the Board of Education respectfully acknowledge the resignation of Jen Michael-Sikora, Academic Support Supervisor for the Morgan-Shaw School".
VII.D. Curriculum & Program Items:
VII.D.1. MHSAA Membership Resolution
Motion: "that the Board of Education adopt the MHSAA Membership Resolution for the 2017-2018 school year, as presented".
VII.D.2. Schedule B Assignment - Junior Varsity Volleyball Coach
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Kyle Crandell for the Schedule B assignment of Junior Varsity Volleyball Coach for the 2017-2018 school year".
VII.E. Other Items
VII.E.1. Elementary School Handbook
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the Elementary School's handbook revisions for the 2017-2018 school year, as recommended administratively."
VII.E.2. Middle School Handbook
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the Middle School's handbook revisions for the 2017-2018 school year, as recommended administratively."
VIII. Recess (if necessary)
IX. Closed Session
IX.A. Closed Session
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to discuss BCEA and BCESPA negotiations".
Roll Call Vote (Motion Carried/Failed)__to__. |
IX.B. Open Session
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education reconvene into open session at __pm".
(Motion Carried/Failed)__to__. |
X. Action Items
X.A. Boyne City Education Association Collective Bargaining
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education ratify the Boyne City Education Association contract for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
X.B. Boyne City Education Support Personnel Association Collective Bargaining
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education ratify the Boyne City Education Support Personnel Association contract for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
X.C. Superintendent's Contract
Motion by__, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the terms of Superintendent Little's contact as outlined and recommended in the memo from President Schrader".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
X.D. Non-Union Contract Extensions
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve contract extensions, compensation and insurance adjustments for the non-union staff for the 2017-2018 school year, as recommended administratively ".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XI. Board of Education Committee Reports
XI.A. Finance Committee
XI.B. Building Trades Advisory Committee
XII. Discussion Items
XII.A. 2017-2018 Budget and 2016-2017 Budget Amendments
Irene Byrne
XII.B. 2017 Tax Rate Request
XII.C. Name Tags
XII.D. Regional Enhancement Millage
XII.E. District Meal Prices 2017-2018
XIII. Submit Meeting List
XIV. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XV. Action Items (Continued)
XV.A. General Fund Budget Amendment Resolution 2016-2017
Motion by__, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2016-2017 year end amendment to the General Fund Budget; and therefore adopt the adjusted budget, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.B. General Fund Budget Resolution 2017-2018
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2017-2018 General Fund Budget resolution, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.C. 2016 Capital Bond Fund Amendment Resolution 2016-2017
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2016-2017 year end amendment 2016 Capital Bond Fund resolution, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.D. 2016 Capital Bond Project Budget Resolution 2017-2018
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2016 Capital Bond Project Budget resolution for the 2017-2018 school year, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.E. Capital Improvement Fund Amendment Resolution 2016-2017
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2016-2017 year end amendment Capital Improvement Fund resolution, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.F. Capital Improvement Fund Resolution 2017-2018
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2016 Capital Improvement Fund resolution for the 2017-2018 school year, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.G. Food Service Budget Amendment Resolution 2016-2017
Motion by__, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2016-2017 year end amendment to the Food Service Budget; and therefore adopt the adjusted budget, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.H. Food Service Budget Resolution 2017-2018
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the 2017-2018 Food Service Budget resolution, as recommended administratively."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.I. Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education declares before the Open Enrollment period, that beginning with the initial medical benefit plan coverage year occurring on or after July 1, 2017 and through December 31, 2017, it shall comply with the Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act by limiting its expenditures for medical benefit plans to not more than eighty percent (80%) of the total annual costs of all medical benefit plans it offers or contributes to for its eligible employees (and their eligible dependents)".
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.J. 2017 Tax Rate Request - MDT Form L-4029 Resolution
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the 2017 Tax Rate Request, as presented on Michigan Department of Treasury Form L-4029, requesting that 18 mills on Non-Homestead and 3.14 mills for debt be levied."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __ to __. |
XV.K. Regional Enhancement Millage Resolution
Motion by__, support by__, "that the Board of Education authorizes the Regional Enhancement Millage Resolution, as presented".
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.L. Debt Fund
Motion by__, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve to close the 2014 Debt Fund and transfer any remaining funds to the 2016 Debt Fund for the purposes of paying principal and interest payment obligations, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XV.M. Lunch Meal Price Approval
Motion by__, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the the following meal prices in order to comply with Paid Lunch Equity (PLE), as recommended administratively ".
Elementary School, Middle School and High School Breakfast: $1.50 (HS & MS No Change) Elementary School Lunch: $2.65 Middle School and High School Lunch: $2.85 Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.N. Projector Bid Award
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education award the Projector Bid to CDWG in the total amount of $17,325.00 for 15 Epson Power Lite 675W LCD Projectors, 15 Epson Ultra Short Throw Wall Mounts and Installation using bond allocations, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XV.O. Projector Bid Award (High School Auditorium)
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the purchase of one(1) Eiki Projector, one (1) Eiki Long Power Zoom Lens and one (1) Eiki Wide Power Zoom Lens from Telsystems for a total amount of $9,356 using bond allocations for the High School Performing Arts Center, as recommended administratively".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XV.P. Computer Bid Award - Business Services & Technology
Motion by __, Support by__, "that the Board of Education award the computer bid to Presidio in the total amount of $19,000 for Business Services & Technology using Vocation Education funds, as recommended administratively".
(Motion (Carried, Failed)__to__. |
XV.Q. Staff Device Purchase
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the purchase of eight-five (85) Apple MacBook Air laptops in the total amount of $70,465.00 using bond allocations, as recommended administratively ".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XV.R. Building Trades Home
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education set the purchase price for the Buildings Trades home on 526 Jefferson Street to be set at $274,900".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XVI. Adjournment
Motion by ____, support by ____, "that the Board of Education adjourn the meeting at _______pm."
Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |