April 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Presentation(s):
III.A. Student Council Reports
III.A.1. Middle School Student Council
III.A.2. High School Student Council
III.B. Boyne City Middle School
III.C. Manufacturing Video
IV. Administrators' Highlights
V. Announcements and Comments by Superintendent and Board of Education
V.A. Char-Em ISD VOCED Election May 6th
VI. Correspondence
VII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VIII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Motion by _____, support by _____, "that the Consent Agenda items for the April 21, 2014 meeting of the Board of Education be adopted, as presented."
VIII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
VIII.A.1. #13-14-144 Approval of Minutes
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the regular and closed meeting minutes of March 10, 2014 and the Finance Committee meeting minutes of April 14, 2014, as presented.”
VIII.B. Business and Finance Items
VIII.B.1. #13-14-145 Payment of the Bills
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Gross Payroll as paid in the amount of $638,933.14; General Fund bills as paid in the amount of $115,471.54 and Food Service bills as paid in the amount of $20,823.53; for a Total of $775,228.21 for all fund payments."
VIII.B.2. #13-14-146 Donation
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the donation from Bay Winds Federal Credit Union in the amount of $1000 for the BCHS Drama Program, as recommended administratively".
VIII.B.3. #13-14-147 Donation
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the grant from Kitchen Gardens International for the total amount of $500 for the expansion and sustainability of the middle school community garden."
VIII.B.4. #13-14-148 Donation
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve a donation from Joyce and Gordon Lambie in the amount of $1,200 to establish an annual gift of $300 awarded to one graduating senior who meets the benefactor's stated criteria, as recommended administratively".
VIII.C. Personnel Items:
VIII.D. Curriculum & Program Items:
VIII.D.1. #13-14-149 Historical Field Trip
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the fourth grade's overnight field trip to Mackinaw City on June 4 and June 5, 2014, as recommended administratively".
VIII.D.2. #13-14-150 Field Trip
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the Hospitality Program's overnight field trip to Mackinac Island on May 23 - 25, 2014, as recommended administratively".
IX. Board of Education Committee Reports
IX.A. District Technology Committee
IX.B. District Wide School Improvement Committee
IX.C. Finance Committee
X. Discussion Items
X.A. Budget Workshop Discussion (Format)
X.A.1. Set Date for Board Workshop (Budget)
X.B. Building Trades Home Listing Agreement
XI. Action Items
XI.A. #13-14-151 Best Practices Incentive Resolution
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education adopt the resolution certifying that the Boyne City School District has complied with at least seven (7) out of eight (8) of the Best Practices Criteria".
Roll Call Vote Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XI.B. #13-14-152 Building Trades Listing Agreement
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the listing agreement for the Maddy Lane Building Trades home, establishing the listing price in the amount of $199,000, as recommended administratively".
XII. Recess (if necessary)
XIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XIV. Submit Lists of Meetings Attended
XV. Closed Session
XV.A. #13-14-153 Closed
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session at __pm to discuss BCEA/BCESPA negotiations".
Roll Call Vote: Motion (Carried/Failed) __ to __. |
XV.B. #13-14-154 Adjourn Closed Session
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education adjourn closed session and reconvene into open session at __pm".
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XVI. Additional Action Items (if any)
XVII. Adjournment
Motion by ____, support by ____, "that the meeting be adjourned at _____pm."
Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |