July 11, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Organizational/Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Oath of Office
Billie Reinhardt and Lisa Schrock. |
IV. Election of Officers
In accordance with Board Policy, "the member who served as President of the Board during the previous year shall preside at the Organizational Meeting".
IV.A. Election of President:
IV.A.1. The members of the Board of Education will be asked to nominate persons for the office of President.
______ nominated _______ for the office of President ______ nominated _______ for the office of President |
IV.A.2. A motion to close nominations will be asked for.
Motion by ____________, supported by ____________, "that the nominations for the office of President be closed."
IV.A.3. Vote to close nominations: Ayes____ Nays____
IV.A.4. The members of the Board of Education will be asked to vote on those nominated for President.
(A roll-call vote will be necessary if more than one person is nominated and a run-off vote will be taken among them; if more than two persons are nominated, a second run-off vote will be taken between those receiving the most votes) |
IV.A.4.a. Suggested motion (if there are two or more nominees):
Roll Call Vote: B. Reinhardt voted for _____
J. Mercer voted for _____ R. McLane voted for _____ K. Schrader voted for _____ L. Shrock voted for ______ E. Vondra voted for _____ M. Moody voted for _____ __________ was elected as President of the Board by a vote of ___ to ___. OR |
IV.A.4.b. Suggested motion (if only one nominee):
Motion by ______, support by _______, "that the nominations for the office of President be closed and that a unanimous ballot be cast for ___________ as President." Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |
IV.B. Election of Vice President:
IV.B.1. The members of the Board of Education will be asked to nominate persons for the office of Vice President.
______ nominated ______ for the office of Vice President ______ nominated ______ for the office of Vice President |
IV.B.2. A motion to close nominations will be asked for.
Motion by ____________, supported by ____________, "that the nominations for the office of Vice President be closed." |
IV.B.3. Vote to close nominations: Ayes____ Nays____
IV.B.4. The members of the Board of Education will be asked to vote on those nominated for Vice President.
(A roll-call vote will be necessary if more than one person is nominated and a run-off vote will be taken among them; if more than two persons are nominated, a second run-off vote will be taken between those receiving the most votes)
Suggested motion (if there are two or more nominees):
Motion by ______, support by _______, "that the nominations for the office of Vice President be closed and that a run-off roll call vote be taken to elect a Vice President." Roll Call Vote: B. Reinhardt voted for _____ J. Mercer voted for _____ R. McLane voted for _____ K. Schrader voted for _____ L. Schrock voted for ______ E. Vondra voted for _____ M. Moody voted for _____ __________ was elected as Secretary of the Board by a vote of ___ to ___. OR |
IV.B.4.a. Suggested motion (if only one nominee):
Motion by ______, support by _______, "that the nominations for the office of Vice President be closed and that a unanimous ballot be cast for ___________ as Secretary." Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |
IV.C. Election of Treasurer:
IV.C.1. The members of the Board of Education will be asked to nominate persons for the office of Treasurer.
______ nominated _______ for the office of Treasurer ______ nominated _______ for the office of Treasurer |
IV.C.2. A motion to close nominations will be asked for.
Motion by ____________, supported by ____________, "that the nominations for the office of Treasurer be closed." |
IV.C.3. Vote to close nominations: Ayes____ Nays____
IV.C.4. The members of the Board of Education will be asked to vote on those nominated for Treasurer.
(A roll-call vote will be necessary if more than one person is nominated and a run-off vote will be taken among them; if more than two persons are nominated, a second run-off vote will be taken between those receiving the most votes) |
IV.C.4.a. Suggested motion (if there are two or more nominees):
Roll Call Vote: B. Reinhardt voted for _____
J. Mercer voted for _____ R. McLane voted for _____ K. Schrader voted for _____ L. Schrock voted for ______ E. Vondra voted for _____ M. Moody voted for _____ __________ was elected as Treasurer of the Board by a vote of ___ to ___. OR |
IV.C.4.b. Suggested motion (if only one nominee):
Motion by ______, support by _______, "that the nominations for the office of Treasurer be closed and that a unanimous ballot be cast for ___________ as Treasurer." Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |
IV.D. Election of Secretary
IV.D.1. The members of the Board of Education will be asked to nominate persons for the office of Secretary.
______ nominated ______ for the office of SecretarY ______ nominated ______ for the office of Secretary |
IV.D.2. A motion to close nominations will be asked for.
Motion by __, supported by___, "that the nominations for the office of Secretary be closed."
IV.D.3. Vote to close nominations: Ayes:__ Nays:__
IV.D.4. The members of the Board of Education will be asked to vote on those nominated for Secretary.
(A roll-call vote will be necessary if more than one person is nominated and a run-off vote will be taken among them; if more than two persons are nominated, a second run-off vote will be taken between those receiving the most votes) |
IV.D.4.a. Suggested motion (If there are two or more nominees):
Roll Call Vote: B. Reinhardt voted for _____
J. Mercer voted for _____ R. McLane voted for _____ K. Schrader voted for _____ L. Schrock voted for ______ E. Vondra voted for _____ M. Moody voted for _____ __________ was elected as Secretary of the Board by a vote of ___ to ___. OR |
IV.D.4.b. Suggested motion (if only one nominee):
Motion by ______, support by _______, "that the nominations for the office of Secretary be closed and that a unanimous ballot be cast for ___________ as Secretary." Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |
V. 2011-2012 Board Committee Structure and Appointments
V.A. Standing Committees:
District School Improvement Committee (3 members) 1. ______, 2. ______, 3. ______ Finance Committee (3 members) 1. ______, 2. ______, 3. ______ Personnel Committee (3 members) 1. ______, 2. ______, 3. ______ |
V.B. Ad-Hoc Committees:
Athletic Council (2 members) 1. ______, 2. ______ Wellness Committee (1 member) 1. ______ Human Growth and Development Committee (1 member) 1. ______ Building Trades Committee (1 member) 1. ______ |
V.C. District Representation:
Board Member to Vote on MASB Board of Directors (1 member) ______ MASB Legislative Relations Network (LRN) Liaison (1 member) ______ Char-Em Boards' Association Executive Committee (1 member) ______ (If a new (different) president is elected as a result of the above nomination(s) and vote, the former president shall now present the gavel to the newly-elected president and the new president shall conduct the remainder of this meeting.) |
VI. Approval of Organizational Consent Items
Motion by ___, Support by___, "that the Consent Agenda items for the July 11, 2011 organizational meeting of the Board of Education be adopted, as presented." |
VI.A. #11-12-1 2011-2012 Schedule of Regular Board Meetings
Motion: "that the Board of Education establish the meeting time (7:00pm) and place (the cafeteria of the Early Childhood Education Center) on the following days as Regular Board Meetings for the 2011-12 school year, as presented." |
VI.B. #11-12-2 Delegation of Person to Post Public Notice of Meetings
Motion: "that the secretary of the Boyne City Public Schools Board of Education appoint the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent to perform the regular duties of the secretary in the posting of all public notice of meetings in the district." |
VI.C. #11-12-3 Delegation of Duties - Recording Minutes of Board Meetings
Motion: "that the secretary of the Boyne City Public Schools Board of Education appoint the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent to perform the regular duties of the secretary in the recording of minutes for all regular and special meetings of the Board of Education." |
VI.D. #11-12-4 Citizens Bank Business Checking Products - Deposit Authorization
Motion: "that the Board of Education authorize the deposit of funds to Citizens Bank, and further authorizes Irene Byrne, Business Manager; Gary Erber, Finance Assistant and/or Peter Moss, Superintendent to transfer funds and to sign the necessary paperwork and agreements to deposit and/or transfer funds on accounts held at Citizens Bank." |
VI.E. #11-12-5 JP Morgan Chase Money Market Fund for Government Operations - Deposit and Transfer Authorization
Motion: "that the Board of Education authorize the deposit of funds to Bank One, and further authorizes Irene Byrne, Business Manager; Gary Erber, Finance Assistant and/or Peter Moss, Superintendent to transfer funds and to sign the necessary paperwork and agreements to deposit and/or transfer funds on accounts held at Bank One.” |
VI.F. #11-12-6 Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund - Deposit and Transfer Authorization
Motion: "that the Board of Education authorize the deposit of funds to the Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund, and further authorizes Irene Byrne, Business Manager; Gary Erber, Finance Assistant and/or Peter Moss, Superintendent to sign the necessary paperwork and agreements to deposit and/or transfer funds." |
VI.G. #11-12-7 Electronic Transaction of Funds
Motion: "that the Board of Education authorize the electronic transaction of funds and further authorizes Irene Byrne, Business Manager and/or Peter moss, Superintendent to sign the necessary paperwork and agreements to electronically transfer funds at Citizens Bank, Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund (MILAF) and JP Morgan Chase.” |
VI.H. #11-12-8 Signature Facsimile for Checks
Motion: "that the Board of Education use a signature facsimile of the President and Treasurer for the following accounts: General Fund, Payroll, Internal, Food Service, Debt Retirement and Capital Improvement.” |
VI.I. #11-12-9 Depository of School Funds
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the following depositories and approve the authorization for signatures on accounts with an electronic facsimile signature of the President and Treasurer of the School Board on the following accounts: |
VI.I.1. Citizens Bank:
General Fund (Savings and Checking)
Payroll (Checking) Sweep (for direct transfer to the above accounts) |
VI.I.2. JP Morgan Chase:
Food Service Fund (Checking)
Internal Accounts (Savings and Checking) General Fund Commercial (Savings) General Fund High Yield (Savings) 2004 Debt Retirement (Savings) Capital Improvement Fund (Savings & Checking) 2011 Debt Retirement (Savings) |
VI.I.3. Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund:
General Fund
Capital Projects |
VI.J. #11-12-10 2011-2012 Mileage Reimbursement Rate
Motion: "that the Board of Education establish the 2011-2012 mileage reimbursement rate for approved school district travel at 50% of the current IRS rate per mile, as recommended administratively." |
VI.K. #11-12-11 Appointment of Law Firm for the 2011-12 School Year
Motion: "that the Board of Education retain Thrun Law Firm, P.C. as the district's law firm for the 2011-12 school year as recommended administratively." |
VI.L. #11-12-12 Annual Appointment of Sexual Harassment Grievance Officer
Motion: "that the Board of Education appoint Mike Wilson, HS Success Coordinator/Athletic Director, as the 2011-12 Sexual Harassment Officer, thereby vesting him with the authority and responsibility for processing all sexual harassment complaints in accordance with Board Policy GAAD, as recommended administratively." |
VI.M. #11-12-13 Annual Appointment of Section 504 Officer
Motion: "that the Board of Education appoint Jeffrey Bensley, Middle School Principal, as the 2011-2012 District Coordinator of Section 504 activities, thereby vesting him with the authority and responsibility to provide a free and appropriate public education to each student with a disability, in accordance with Board Policy GAAB-R, as recommended administratively.” |
VI.N. #11-12-14 MHSAA - Annual Resolution
Motion: "that the Boyne City High School and the Boyne City Middle School join the Michigan High School Athletic Association for the 2011-12 school year, as recommended administratively." |
VII. Presentation(s):
VIII. Administrators' Highlights
IX. Announcements and Comments by Superintendent and Board of Education
X. Correspondence
XI. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Motion by _____, support by _____, "that the Consent Agenda items for the July 11, 2011 meeting of the Board of Education be adopted, as presented." |
XII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
XII.A.1. #11-12-15 Approval of Minutes
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the special budget hearing meeting, regular and closed meeting minutes of June 27, 2011 and the special and closed meeting minutes from June 30, 2011, as presented.” |
XII.B. Business and Finance Items
XII.B.1. #11-12-16 Payment of the Bills
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Gross Payroll as paid in the amount of $812,749.5; General Fund bills as paid in the amount of $144,586.60; and Food Service bills as paid in the amount of $10,524.39, for a total of $967,860.49 for all funds. |
XII.B.2. #11-12-17 Substitute Rate of Pay
Motion: "that the Board of Education establish the following substitute salaries at the following rates for the 2011-2012 school year:
Teacher (in one assignment) 1-5 days: $72.00 per day, $41.50 per ½ day 6-15 days: $107.50 per day, $68.50 per ½ day 16+ days: $140.50 per day, $83.00 per ½ day Support Staff Secretary: $9.25 per hr Clerk/Cashier: $7.50 per hr Aide/Para/Cook: $8.00 per hr Alt Ed Aide/Para: $8.25 per hr Custodian: $9.80 per hr Bus Driver: $21.65 per run Library Aide: $9.00 per hr Resource Tech: $9.50 per hr as administratively recommended." |
XII.B.3. #11-12-18 Building Trades Home Agreement
Motion: "that the Board of Education authorize the superintendent and/or Business Manager to enter into any rental agreement regarding the unoccupied Building Trades home." |
XII.C. Personnel Items:
XII.D. Curriculum & Program Items:
XII.D.1. #11-12-19 2011-2012 Schedule B (Co-Curricular) Assignments
XII.D.2. #11-12-20 Overnight Trip to Rome, Italy
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve high school teacher, Chris Ames, sponsor a student field trip to Rome, Italy with tentative dates of March 31, 2012 – April 7, 2012. This trip will occur over the Spring Break Vacation of the 2011-12 school year, as administratively recommended." |
XIII. Board of Education Committee Reports
XIII.A. Finance Committee Meeting
XIV. Discussion
XV. Action Items
XV.A. #11-12-21 Purchase Approval of Text Books
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve the purchase of Holt Common Core Edition of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II textbooks in the amount of $27,771.98, as administratively recommended." Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.B. #11-12-22 District Policyholder Resolution
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education designate Boyne City Public School District as the policyholder for each of its insurance policies that cover medical, pharmacy, vision, disability, long-term care or any other type of benefit that would constitute a health care services benefit to employees and their dependants." Motion (Carried/Failed) ___ to ___. |
XV.C. #11-12-23 Bus Surveillance Bid
Motion by__, Support by__, "that the Board of Education award the bid for bus surveillance cameras to Pro Vision Video Systems in the amount of $15,088, as administratively recommended." Motion (Carried/Failed) __ to __. |
XV.D. #11-12-24 Approval for Technology Hardware Bid
Motion by__, support by__, "that the Board of Education award Apple Inc. the bid for the amount of $46,096.62 for the middle school and high school Technology Bond pilot hardware, as presented." Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
XV.E. #11-12-25 Bus Purchase Approval
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education approve the authorization to purchase used busses up to the amount of $80,000, as administratively recommended." Motion (Carried/Failed) ___ to __. |
XVI. Recess (if necessary)
XVII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XVIII. Submit Lists of Meetings Attended
XIX. Closed Session - If Needed
XIX.A. #11-12-26 To Discuss Upcoming Sale Property
Motion by ______, support by _______, "that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session at ________ pm to discuss sale of property." Roll Call Vote: 1. Ken Schrader 2. Ed Vondra 3. Ross McLane 4. Marty Moody 5. Jeff Mercer 6. Bea Reinhardt 7. Lisa Shrock Motion (Carried / Failed): ______to______. |
XIX.B. Reconvene into Open Session
Motion by __, support by__, "that the closed meeting be adjourned at ___pm to reconvene into open session." Motion: (Carried/Failed) ___ to ___. |
XX. Additional Action Items (if any)
XXI. Adjournment
Motion by ____, support by ____ that the meeting be adjourned at _____pm.
Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |