March 17, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Human Resources/Finance Committee - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Guest Presentations for this Meeting - None
2. Human Resources Report
2.A. Staffing Report Action Items - Consent Agenda
2.B. HR Resolutions - Consent Agenda - None
2.C. HR Action Items - Consent Agenda - None
2.D. HR Informational Items
2.D.1) Superintendent Search Update
3. Finance Report
3.A. Financial Report - Consent Agenda
3.A.1) Financial Report
3.A.2) Approval of Payment of Claims - Attached as an "extra"
3.A.2)a. Vendor Payments Report
3.A.2)b. Student Activity Expenditures Report
3.A.3) Budget Revisions
3.A.4) Wire Transfers
3.A.5) Investment Transactions
3.A.6) APU Projections
3.A.7) Fundraisers
3.A.8) Finance Education
3.A.8)a. Revenue Equalization - postponed until April 2020 Board meeting
3.B. Bids, R.F.P.s and Quotes Reports - Consent Agenda
3.B.1) Bids
3.B.1)a. Bid 1279 - Large Venue Wireless Infrastructure
Bids for a large venue wireless infrastructure were advertised and posted on the Universal Service Administrative Company website as required to qualify for E-Rate funding. One vendor responded.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve this bid with CDW Government, LLC in the amount of $40,611.36.
3.B.1)b. Bid - 1280 Network Switch Stacking Modules
Bids for network switch stacking modules were advertised and posted on the Universal Service Administrative Company website as required to qualify for E-Rate funding. One vendor responded.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve this bid with CDW Government, LLC in the amount of $45,600.00.
3.B.2) RFPs - None
3.B.3) Quotes - None
3.C. Policies and Regulations - Consent Agenda - None
3.D. Contracts, Change Orders, and Leases - Consent Agenda
3.D.1) Contracts - None
3.D.1)a. PLACEHOLDER - Other Contracts
3.D.2) Change Orders - None
3.D.2)a. PLACEHOLDER - Other Change Orders
3.D.3) Leases - None
3.D.3)a. PLACEHOLDER - Other Leases
3.E. Resolutions - Consent Agenda
3.E.1) B-3-20-3723 - Acceptance of Donations
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution 3-20-3723. |
3.E.2) B-3-20-3724 - Authorized Bank Account Signer
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution 3-20-3724. |
3.E.3) B-3-20-3725 - Acceptance of Grants
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution 3-20-3725. |
3.E.4) PLACEHOLDER - Other Resolutions
3.F. Informational - These items are provided for informational purposes only; no action is required.
3.F.1) Expenditure Contracts
The Superintendent or CFO/Executive Director of Business Services has signed these contracts during the month of February 2020.
3.F.2) Extension or Renewal Contracts - None
3.F.3) No Cost Contracts
The Superintendent or CFO/Executive Director of Business Services has signed these contracts during the month of February 2020.
3.F.4) Revenue Contracts - None
3.F.5) Grant Applications
3.F.6) Property Sale Updates
3.F.7) Facilities Management & Capital Project Status Report
3.F.8) Change Orders Signed - None