April 11, 2016 at 4:15 PM - Human Resources Committee
Agenda |
1. Staffing Report Action Items
2. Other Action Items
2.A. *Placeholder - Approval of Contract - Education Directors Association Collective Bargaining Agreement - Effective Dates: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017
2.B. Policy 4015 - Renumbering to 413 - Prohibiting Harassment and Violence
This policy was updated to the MSBA Model Policy in June of 2015 but was not renumbered at that time. Administration is recommending that the policy be renumbered from 4015 to 413 at this time. As allowed in Policy 208: If a policy is modified with minor changes that do not affect the substance of the policy or because of a legal change over which the school board has no control, the modified policy may be approved at one meeting at the discretion of the school board.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the renumbering of Policy 4015 to MSBA Model Policy number 413.
2.C. Policy 4180 - Renumbering to 427 - Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers
This policy was updated to the MSBA Model Policy in September of 2015 but was not renumbered at that time. Administration is recommending that the policy be renumbered from 4180 to 427 at this time. As allowed in Policy 208: If a policy is modified with minor changes that do not affect the substance of the policy or because of a legal change over which the school board has no control, the modified policy may be approved at one meeting at the discretion of the school board.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the renumbering of Policy 4180 to MSBA Model Policy number 427.
2.D. Policy 8050 - Renumbering to 209 - Code of Ethics
This policy was updated to the MSBA Model Policy in July of 2015 but was not renumbered at that time. Administration is recommending that the policy be renumbered from 8050 to 209 at this time. As allowed in Policy 208: If a policy is modified with minor changes that do not affect the substance of the policy or because of a legal change over which the school board has no control, the modified policy may be approved at one meeting at the discretion of the school board.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the renumbering of Policy 8050 to MSBA Model Policy number 209.
3. Informational Items
3.A. Resolution 4015R - Renumbering to 413R - Prohibiting Harassment and Violence
This resolution was updated as a companion to Policy 4015 in May of 2015. Given that administration is recommending Policy 4015 be renumbered to the MSBA Model Policy 413, this Resolution 4015R is being renumbered to 413R at this time.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept this item as informational.
3.B. Resolution 4015.1R - Renumbering to 413.1R - Harassment Complaint Form
This resolution was updated as a companion to Policy 4015 in July of 2015. Given that administration is recommending Policy 4015 be renumbered to the MSBA Model Policy 413, this Resolution 4015.1R is being renumbered to 413.1R at this time.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept this item as informational.
4. Future Items
4.A. There are no Future HR Items at this time.