October 15, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Education Committee - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Informational Items
1.A. Informational Presentations
1.A.1) 2013 Multiple Measurement System (MMR) Results
Tawnyea Lake, Director of Assessment, Evaluation, and Performance, shared the State, District, and school results for the 2013 MMR, which was recently released by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). Included in this release were schools' MMR, Focus Ratings (FR), and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) results.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational.
1.B. Grant Applications
1.B.1) Northland Foundation Grant Application
Victoria Sundell, has applied for a grant from the Northland Foundation in the amount of $800. If awarded funds will be used for providing child/sibling care, transportation, and supplies for ECFE's Parent Support Group.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational.
2. Action Items
2.A. Presentation Items Requiring Approval - None
2.B. Resolution E-10-13-3136 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools
Attached is Resolution E-10-13-3136 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools, to accept and approve grant awards from the following organization: Minnesota State Colleges & Universities/US Department of Education - Carl D. Perkins
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve Resolution E-10-13-3136 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools.
2.C. Extended Trip Requests
The following Extended Trip Requests are submitted for review and approval: Duluth Public Schools FCCLA-HERO students will be traveling to the Boulevard Hotel in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota for the Fall Delegate Assembly on November 10-11, 2013 where the election of new State officers will take place along with related breakout sessions. The cost of the trip will be $169 per student and a total cost of $463 for staff and will be funded through student fees and grant dollars.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above extended field trip request.
2.D. Access to Internet Student Data - Non-District Employees
It is requested that the following organizations be granted access to the Student Information System to support District functions from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014: Capella University Promise Fellow - Girl Scouts of America University of Minnesota (PLACEHOLDER)
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above Access to Internet Student Data - Non-District Employees requests.
2.E. Diploma Requests
The following students have completed all high school graduation requirements and should be awarded a diploma: Morgan A. Mitchell - September 11, 2013
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above requested diploma awards.