June 5, 2012 at 4:30 PM - Special School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comment as Related to Agenda Items Listed Below
4. Action Items
4.A. Middle School Programming Structure for the 2012-13 School Year
Recommendation: It is recommended that the School Board approve the middle school programming structure of going from seven to six academic class periods for the 2012-13 school year as recommended by administration with respect to the District Budget Reduction Process efforts.
4.B. Approval of Starting and Ending Times for the 2012-13 School Year
Recommendation: It is recommended that the School Board approve starting and ending times for the 2012-13 school year as recommended by administration as a result of the new middle school program structure for the 2012-13 school year.
4.C. Quote # 4119 - Storm Utilities and Grading for Sidewalk Restoration at Ordean East Middle School
Storm Utilities and Grading - Veit & Company, Inc - $37,970.00
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve entering into a contract with the firm listed above based on their low responsive quote as shown on the Quote Tab and Letter of Recommendation, as provided in response to Quote #4119 – Storm Utilities and Grading for Sidewalk Restoration at Ordean East Middle School.
The total cost of the contract related to Quote #4119 – Storm Utilities and Grading for Sidewalk Restoration at Ordean East Middle School as listed above is $37,970.00, which remains within the overall budget district-wide.
4.D. Eastern Middle School (Ordean East Middle School)
Eastern MS LRFP – Hallway Lockers Change Order #4, Bid #1165, WS #24 – JF Equipment, LLC Change Order increase to furnish and install additional lockers and add fillers, slip joint and slope top corners Add: $133,489.00
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change order as listed above at Eastern Middle School (Ordean East Middle School) reflecting a total increase of $133,489.00.
4.E. Valley Youth Center Lease Agreement
Attached is the lease agreement with the Valley Youth Center for the use of space at the new Laura MacArthur School. This lease agreement covers the period from June 5, 2012 through June 4, 2017, with the option to extend five (5) additional years at no cost during the term of the agreement.
Recommendation: It is recommended the Duluth School Board approve the lease agreement with the Valley Youth Center for the period from June 5, 2012 through June 4, 2017.
5. Adjournment