October 18, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Human Resources Committee - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Staffing Report Action Items
2. Other Action Items
2.A. Approval of Increase Hourly Rates for Retired Employee/Laid Off Clerical
2.B. Approval of Sarah Ullmer Individual Contract, Minnesota Alliance With Youth, Director of Education & Training - 10/10/11-10/9/12
2.C. Approval of New Position - Curriculum & Instruction Coordinator (Please see attached job description and requisition.)
2.D. Approval of Revised Job Description - Federal Programs Supervisor/Grant Writer (Please see attached job description and requisition.)
3. Informational Items
3.A. There are no Informational Items at this time.
4. Future Items
4.A. There are no HR Future Items at this time.