March 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings: BOE Policy/Regulation #2009 outlines the parameters of public participation at Board meetings concerning items on the agenda as well as those not on the agenda. A copy of this policy is available in the Superintendent’s office and at each monthly Board meeting. |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Excuse Absent Board Members
5. Verification of Open Meetings Act Notice
6. Verification of Publication of Meeting Notice
7. Student Council Presentation
8. Visitor Comments
(3 minutes allotted for each speaker. 30 minutes total allotted for visitor comments) |
9. Action Items
9.1. Consent Agenda
9.1.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
9.1.2. Monthly Financial Report
9.1.3. Claims
9.2. Take action on the resignations of Greg Hobelmann (Tech Director), Brenda Alberts (HS Math) and KateLyn Gillming (Preschool).
Greg let us know that he has taken a job as a golf course superintendent at Smith Center. While he will not be able to serve us in the same capacity as he did this year. his main responsibility there will be during the spring, summer and fall, allowing opportunities to do some contracting work with Franklin as needed. At this time, we believe that we can fill our technology needs withing our staff.
9.3. Consider, discuss and take action on a 4.54% salary increase for classified staff for the 2025-2026 school year.
The base salary increase for our professional staff ended up being 4.54% on the base. I think that is the best correlation to what would be fair for our support staff as well and that will be my recommendation. While fulfilling a different role, these employees perform jobs that are integral to the overall success that we experience as we nuture the hopes and dreams of our students.
9.4. Consider, discuss and take action on purchasing a new mower as presented.
Stacey stopped in to visit with me about purchasing 2 new mowers. One is a push mower, and I told him to just go somewhere in town to get what he wanted.
For the riding mower he sought out and received bids on 3 different mowers, which are attached. We currently have a John Deere rider which he really likes. While it is a bit more than the Cub Cadet but less than the Huskvarna, I recommend we stay with the John Deere.
9.5. Consider, discuss and take action on the services and payment of the replacement / upgrade of the electrical panel located on the stage as presented and expensed out of the Building Fund.
9.6. Consider, discuss, and take action on filing an affidavit requesting a partial waiver for the Instruction Time requirement with NDE
I have attached an affidavit that I prepared asking for a waiver for the instructional time that we missed because of canceling classes on January 6 (Weather Conditions), January 29 & 30 (Influenza Type A) and February 18 & 19 (Weather Conditions). If we want to file it, the Board Secretary needs to have their signature notarized before we submit to the State Board for their potential action.
9.7. Consider, discuss and take action on providing $120 per Franklin Public Schools' students who choose to participate in the Driver's Education Program provided at Franklin Public Schools through the Nebraska Safety Center during the Summer of 2025.
9.8. Consider, discuss and adopt the Final Reading of Policy 3132: Business Operations
9.9. First reading of updated Policy 2008: Meetings
9.10. First reading of updated Policy 3004.1: Fiscal Management for Purchasing and Procurement Using Federal Funds
10. Technology Report
Greg Hobelman has served as the district Tech Coordinator for the past year and has done a great job. We share Greg with Osborne in Kansas. He alternates weeks by spending 3 days on site during one week followed by 2 days the next week. He has been very flexible and accommodating to both schools if changes in the schedule are needed. I appreciate his expertise and response to our needs. He has edited our 5 year technology plan and I have asked him to come and present so that you can ask any questions that you might have.
11. Maintenance Report
12. Elementary Principal's Report
13. Secondary Principal's Report
14. Superintendent's Report
14.1. Instructional Time Report
We have missed 6 days due to weather or illness this year, yet when looking at our instructional time totals, we can meeting our instruction time requirements with room to spare. I will have a report at the meeting giving the details
14.2. NRCSA Conference
The Nebraska Rural Schools Association (NRCSA) Spring Conference is March 19 & 20 at the Younes Center in Kearney. Attached you will find the conference schedule. Let's decide who wants to go and we can get registrations completed for you.
15. Positive Comments
16. Executive Session - To discuss personnel for the protection of public interest and/or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and if such individual has not requested a public meeting.
17. Adjournment