October 13, 2009 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establish Quorum
2. Closed Session - Texas Government Code
2.A. Code 551.074 - Resignations of Certified Personnel
2.B. Code 551.074 - Employment/Appointment/Reassignment/
Evaluation/Compensation/Duties of Personnel
2.C. Code 551.074 - Renewal/Nonrenewal/Assignment/Reassign
ment Probationary Status/Return to Probationary Status/Continuing Status of District Personnel
2.D. Code 551.072 - Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property
2.E. Code 551.073 - Discuss Negotiated Contracts for Prospective Gifts or Donations
3. Open Session
4. Prayer
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Certification of Public Notice
7. Public Forum - Delegations/Communications
8. Comments & Compliments
8.A. Recognition of Campus Teachers, Support Staff, and Partners in Education for the Month of October
9. Superintendent's Report
9.A. Update on Roof Bids
9.B. Bilingual/ESL Report
10. Consent Agenda Items
10.A. Monthly financial reports, bills, and checks written since the last meeting
10.B. Annual Investment Report/Resolution
10.C. Modified Schedule/TAKS Testing Days Waiver
10.D. Minutes of the September 8, 2009, meeting of the Board
11. Public Hearing on 2007-2008 Financial Integrity Rating - Public Participation or Comments
12. Approve Campus/District Improvement Plans
12.A. Lamar Elementary
12.B. Houston Elementary
12.C. Travis Elementary
12.D. Mineral Wells Junior High School
12.E. Mineral Wells High School
13. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on 2009-2010 School Resource Officer Program Agreement
14. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Canine Detection Services Agreement
15. Information
15.A. Calendars for October and November
16. Vote on Closed Session Items
17. Adjournment