August 14, 2007 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establish Quorum
2. Closed Session
2.A. Resignations of Certified Personnel
2.B. Employment/Appointment/Reassignment/Evaluation/Compensation/Duties of Personnel
2.C. Renewal/Nonrenewal/Assignment/Reassignment/Probationary Status/Return to Probationary Status/Continuing Status of District Personnel
2.D. Discuss Lease of School Properties for Oil and Gas with School Attorney
2.E. Discuss Possible Litigation with School Attorney
2.F. Discuss Possible Contract on School Property
3. Open Session
4. Prayer
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Certification of Public Notice
7. Public Forum - Delegations/Communications
8. Comments & Compliments
9. Superintendent's Report
9.A. Construction Project Update by Buford-Thompson Company General Contractors
9.B. State Accountability Ratings
9.C. IRS Issues - New Ruling on Teacher Salaries
10. Consent Agenda Items
10.A. Monthly financial reports, bills, and checks written since the last meeting
10.B. Minutes of the July 17, 2007 and July 31, 2007 meetings of the Board
10.C. Calendar Changes for 2007-2008
10.D. 2007-2008 Appraisal Calendar/PDAS Appraisers
10.E. 2007-2008 Bus Driver Drug Testing Cooperative Inter-local Agreement
10.F. Request for Off-Campus Physical Education Substitution
11. Review Updated (LEGAL) Policies and Act On (LOCAL) Policies
11.A. Vantage Points/Explanatory Sheet - Update 80
11.B. A25 (INDEX) Cross-Index
11.C. BA (LEGAL) Board Legal Status
11.D. BBFA (LEGAL) Ethics - Conflict of Interest Disclosures
11.E. BBFA (LOCAL) Ethics - Conflict of Interest Disclosures
11.F. BBFB (LEGAL) Ethics - Prohibited Practices
11.G. BQA (LEGAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process - District-Level
11.H. BQB (LEGAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process - Campus-Level
11.I. CMD (LEGAL) Equipment and Supplies Management - Instructional Materials Care and Accounting
11.J. CPC (LEGAL) Office Management - Records Management
11.K. CPC (LOCAL) Office Management - Records Management
11.L. CS (LEGAL) Facility Standards
11.M. D (LEGAL) Personnel
11.N. DBA (LEGAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Credentials and Records
11.O. DBA (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Credentials and Records
11.P. DBD (LEGAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Conflict of Interest
11.Q. DBD (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Conflict of Interest
11.R. DBE (LEGAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Nepotism
11.S. DC (LOCAL) Employment Practices
11.T. DCD (LOCAL) Employment Practices - At-Will Employment
11.U. DEA (LEGAL) Compensation and Benefits - Salaries and Wages
11.V. DEAA (LEGAL) Compensation and Benefits - Incentives and Stipends
11.W. DEAA (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits - Incentives and Stipends
11.X. DFBB (LOCAL) Term Contracts - Nonrenewal
11.Y. DH (LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct
11.Z. DMA (LEGAL) Professional Development - Required Staff Development
11.AA. DN (LOCAL) Performance Appraisal
11.AB. E (LEGAL) Instruction
11.AC. EC (LEGAL) School Day
11.AD. EEJB (LOCAL) Individualized Learning - Credit By Examination Without Prior Instruction
11.AE. EF (LEGAL) Instructional Resources
11.AF. EGA (LEGAL) Curriculum Development - Innovative and Magnet Programs
11.AG. EHAC (LEGAL) Basic Instructional Program - Required Instruction (Secondary)
11.AH. EHBJ (LEGAL) Special Programs - Dual Language
11.AI. EHDD (LEGAL) Extended Instructional Programs - College Course Work/Dual Credit
11.AJ. EIF (LEGAL) Academic Achievement - Graduation
11.AK. EIF (LOCAL) Academic Achievement - Graduation
11.AL. F (LEGAL) Students
11.AM. FL (LEGAL) Student Records
11.AN. FNCA (LOCAL) Student Conduct - Dress Code
11.AO. GA (LEGAL) Access to Programs, Services, and Activities
12. Discuss and Consider Change Orders to Mineral Wells High School Ram Stadium - Project Number #1581-01
13. Discuss and Consider Change Orders to Mineral Wells Junior High School New Addition - Project Number #1581-02
14. Discuss Policy FNA (LOCAL) - Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Expression
15. Consider Bids for Ram Stadium Scoreboard
16. Vote on Closed Session Items
17. Adjournment