January 10, 2006 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establish Quorum
2. Closed Session
2.A. Resignations of Certified Personnel
2.B. Employment/Appointment/Reassignment/
Evaluation/ Compensation/Duties of Personnel
2.C. Renewal/Nonrenewal/Assignment/Reassignment/Probationary Status/Return to Probationary Status/Continuing Status of District Personnel
3. Open Session
4. Prayer
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Certification of Public Notice
7. Public Forum - Delegations/Communications
8. Comments & Compliments
8.A. "Teacher of the Month" - Wendell Barker
8.B. "Support Staff of the Month" - Melody Singleton
8.C. "Partner in Education" - City of Mineral Wells Police Department and Fire Department
9. Superintendent's Report
9.A. Performance Report - 2004-2005 School Report Cards - www.tea.state.tx.us/perfreport/src/2005/campus.srch.html
10. Consent Agenda Items
10.A. Monthly financial reports - bills and checks written since the last meeting
10.B. Minutes of the December 13, 2005, meeting of the Board
10.C. Certified Board Member Training
11. 2004-2005 Audit Report
12. Selection of Audit Firm for 2005-2006
13. Call for School Board Election
14. Appointment of Election Judge and Early Voting Clerks
15. City of Mineral Wells Proposal for Cost Sharing for the Operation/Maintenance of Central City Park
16. Request for Contribution to CPA, Inc.
17. MWISD Donation of Property to Paul Lawrence Dunbar School Restoration Group, Inc.
18. Review Update (LEGAL) Policies and Act on (LOCAL) Policies
18.A. Explanatory Notes - Update 77
18.B. B (LEGAL) - Local District Governance
18.C. BBFA (ETHICS: CONFLICT OF INTEREST) has been split into two codes:
18.C.1) BBFA: Conflict Of Interest Disclosures
18.C.2) BBFB: Prohibited Practices
18.D. BBD (LEGAL) - Board Members - Training And Orientation
18.E. BBD (LOCAL) - Board Members - Training And Orientation
18.F. BBFA (LEGAL) - Ethics - Conflict Of Interest Disclosures
18.G. BBFA (EXHIBIT) - Ethics - Conflict Of Interest Disclosures
18.H. BBFB (LEGAL) - Ethics - Prohibited Practices
18.I. BDAF (LEGAL) - Officers And Officials - Selection And Duties Of Chief Tax Officials
18.J. BDF (LEGAL) - Board Internal Organization - Citizen Advisory Committees
18.K. CHE (LEGAL) - Purchasing And Acquisition - Vendor Relations
18.L. CNA (LEGAL) - Transportation Management - Student Transportation
18.M. CNB (LEGAL) - Transportation Management - District Vehicles
18.N. CPC (LOCAL) - Office Management - Records Management
18.O. CRD (LEGAL) - Insurance And Annuities Management - Health And Life Insurance
18.P. DAB (LOCAL) - Employment Objectives - Objective Criteria For Personnel Decisions
18.Q. DBA (LEGAL) - Employment Requirements And Restrictions - Credentials And Records
18.R. DBA (LOCAL) - Employment Requirements And Restrictions - Credentials And Records
18.S. DBD (LEGAL) - Employment Requirements And Restrictions - Conflict Of Interest
18.T. DBD (LOCAL) - Employment Requirements And Restrictions - Conflict Of Interest
18.U. DBD (EXHIBIT) - Employment Requirements And Restrictions - Conflict Of Interest
18.V. DFD (LEGAL) - Termination Of Contract - Hearings Before Hearing Examiner
18.W. DFE (LOCAL) - Termination Of Contract - Resignation
18.X. DGBA (LEGAL) - Personnel-Management Relations - Employee Complaints/Grievances
18.Y. DIA (LEGAL) - Employee Welfare - Freedom From Harassment
18.Z. E (LEGAL) - Instruction
18.AA. EEH (LOCAL) - Instructional Arrangements - Homebound Instruction
18.AB. EFAA (LOCAL) - Instructional Materials Selection And Adoption - Textbook Selection And Adoption
18.AC. EHAA (LEGAL) - Basic Instructional Program - Required Instruction (ALL LEVELS)
18.AD. EHBA (LEGAL) - Special Programs - Special Education
18.AE. EHBAA (LEGAL) - Special Education - Identification, Evaluation, And Eligibility
18.AF. EHBAB (LEGAL) - Special Education - Individualized Education Program (IEP) And ARDS
18.AG. EHBAC (LEGAL) - Special Education - Students In Nondistrict Placement
18.AH. EHBAD (LEGAL) - Special Education - Transition Services
18.AI. EHBAE (LEGAL) - Special Education - Procedural Requirements
18.AJ. EHBC (LEGAL) - Special Programs - Compensatory/Accelerated Services
18.AK. EI (LEGAL) - Academic Achievement
18.AL. EKB (LEGAL) - Testing Programs - State Assessment
18.AM. EL (LEGAL) - Charter Campus Or Program
18.AN. F (LEGAL) - Students
18.AO. FFA (LEGAL) - Student Welfare - Wellness And Health Services
18.AP. FFA (LOCAL) - Student Welfare - Wellness And Health Services
18.AQ. FNAB (LEGAL) - Student Expression - Use Of School Facilities For NonSchool Purposes
18.AR. FNCF (LEGAL) - Student Conduct - Alcohol And Drug Use
18.AS. FNG (LEGAL) - Student Rights And Responsibilities - Student And Parent Complaints/Grievances
18.AT. FO (LEGAL) - Student Discipline
18.AU. FODA (LEGAL) - Expulsion - Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program
18.AV. FOF (LEGAL) - Student Discipline - Students With Disabilities
18.AW. GF (LEGAL) - Public Complaints
19. Vote on Closed Session Items
20. Adjournment