June 10, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. New Board Member Orientation at 6:00 pm
2. Roll Call at 7:00 pm
3. Spotlight on Learning--Groundbreaking Picture for Phase 2
4. Open Forum
5. Oath of Office - Elected Board Members
6. Reorganization of the Board
7. Reports
7.A. Construction Update
7.A.1. Phase 1: Gymnasium & Commons Area
7.A.2. Phase 2: Science Labs, Media Center, FCS Labs & Admin Office
7.B. Financial/Tax Collection/Investments
7.C. Staff Development and Substitutes
7.D. Program Director Report
Title I and State Comp Ed, Discipline, GT Best Practices, Student Attendance Review for 2009-10, School Improvement Webinar, PEIMS Summer Submission Meeting, CSCOPE Advisory Meeting, Consolidated Title I Compliance and Application TETN, Migrant Summer School, PASCD Officer's Meeting, ESC 16 Job Fair
7.E. Elementary Principal Report
Summer School, Discipline Report, STAAR Results
7.F. Middle School Principal Report
STAAR Testing, Summer School, Discipline Report, MS Student/Parent Handbook
7.G. High School Principal Report
Graduation/Board Reception, End of year Activities/Senior Bash, PEIMS Discipline, TAKS, STAAR/EOC, Summer School/Intervention, Student Handbooks (Parent/Student, Progressive Discipline Guide, Band, National Junior Honor Society)
7.H. Athletic Director
Summer Team Basketball Camps, 7-on-7, Working on Facilities
7.I. Maintenance/Transportation
7.J. Region 16 ESC Contracts
7.K. Student Transfers
7.L. Discipline Reports
7.M. Handbooks and/or Guidelines (1st Reading)
7.M.1. Sunray ISD Employee Handbook
7.M.2. Progressive Discipline Guide
7.M.3. High School Student Handbook
7.M.4. Middle School Student Handbook
7.M.5. Elementary School Student Handbook
7.M.6. Athletic Handbook
7.M.7. Cheerleader Handbooks
7.M.7.a. High School
7.M.7.b. Junior High
7.M.8. Bullying Procedures
7.M.9. Crowd Management Guidelines
7.M.10. DAEP Handbook
7.M.11. HS National Honor Society Constitution
7.N. Student Code of Conduct
7.O. Local District Policy Update 97, affecting local policies CNA(LOCAL), DBAA(LOCAL), DPB(LOCAL) and GBBA(LOCAL)-(1st Reading)
7.P. CSCOPE Changes for 2013-14
7.Q. 2009-10 TEA Attendance Audit Report
7.R. Property/Liability/Automobile Insurance
8. Consent Agenda
Information on these items has been sent to the Board of Trustees for review prior to the meeting. Any Board member may pull any item from the consent agenda (without a second) for deliberation prior to consideration. Any item pulled will be considered with the business items on the agenda.
8.A. Approval of minutes of previous meetings on May 13, 2013 and May 20, 2013
8.B. Approval of expenditures
8.C. Approval of student transfers
8.D. Approval of 16 ESC Contracts
8.E. Conduct 1st Reading of Handbooks/Guidelines
8.F. Conduct 1st Reading of Student Code of Conduct
8.G. Conduct 1st Reading of Local District Policy Update 97, affecting CNA(LOCAL), DBAA(LOCAL), DPB(LOCAL) and GBBA(LOCAL)
8.H. Approval of property/liability/automobile insurance renewal
9. Business
9.A. Personnel
9.A.1. Resignations/Retirements
9.A.2. Hire Teachers/Coaches
9.A.3. Hire Instructional Aides
9.A.4. Continuation of At-Will Employees
9.A.5. Salary Increases for 2013-14
9.B. Declare Property as Surplus Goods
9.C. Consider Construction Changes
9.D. Phone Stipend for Maintenance Director and Technology Director
9.E. Consider Approving Track Bid
9.F. Consider Moving July Regular Meeting from July 8 to July 15
9.G. Nomination for TASB Board of Director for Region 16
10. Superintendent Remarks
10.A. TSC-School Finance Litigation Update
10.B. TASB 2013 Summer Leadership Institute in Fort Worth on June 13-15
10.C. Reports from San Antonio Insitute and WTAMU School Board Spring Workshop
10.D. TASA/TASB Convention in Dallas on September 27-29
10.E. Debrief Regarding Graduation in the New Gym
10.F. Other
11. Adjournment