July 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Informational Report Agenda
2.1. Superintendent's Report
2.2. Business Report
3. Public Comment
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Board Minutes from the June 17th Regular Meeting
4.2. Cash Flow Report
4.3. Budget Amendment(s)
4.4. Check Register
4.5. T-TESS Appraisal Calendar 2024-2025
4.6. T-TESS Appraisers 2024-2025
5. General Business Agenda: The Board will consider, discuss, and take action as needed:
5.1. Consider and approve a particular candidate for appointment to the Danbury ISD Board of Trustees (Position) No. 6) Vacancy.
5.2. Oath of Office
5.3. Consider and possibly approve the Resolution Regarding Employee Pay During the Weather Emergency
5.4. Consider and approve the Resolution of the Board Regarding Emergency Purchasing
5.5. Consider and take possible action on setting the Public hearing Date on the Danbury ISD 2024-2025 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
5.6. Review and possibly approve 2024-2025 Grading Guidelines
5.7. Review and possibly approve the DISD Student Code of Conduct 2024-2025
5.8. Review and approve changes to the Danbury ISD Meal Price List.
5.9. Review the 2024-2025 Danbury ISD Student Handbook
5.10. Review the Employee Handbook 2024-2025
5.11. Review the 2024-2025 GT guidelines
5.12. Review the 2024-2025 Booster Club Guidelines
5.13. Review and approve the addition of stipends for Interact Club and Elementary Student Council to the compensation plan.
5.14. Consider and possibly approve an after-school program for Danbury ISD.
6. Adjournment to a closed or executive session will be held for the purposes authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 - 551.089.
7. Reconvene in Open Meeting
8. Consider and possible action on items discussed in executive session (those listed under the executive session of this Notice).
9. Adjournment