February 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Informational Report Agenda
2.1. Commendations / Recognition / Proclamations
2.2. Superintendent's Report
2.3. Business Report
3. Public Comment
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Board Minutes from the Regular Meeting on January 22, 2024
4.2. Cash Flow Report
4.3. Budget Amendment(s)
4.4. Check Register
5. General Business Agenda: The Board will consider, discuss, and take action as needed:
5.1. Consider and approve proposed out of state band trip for March of 2025.
5.2. Discuss data collected regarding 4 day week. Possibly approve to continue with planning 4 day calendars.
5.3. Present Racial Profiling Report
5.4. Discuss and possibly approve giving authority to the superintendent to create the role of DISD Education Foundation Director with his discretion of either creating a new position or adding the responsibilities to an existing employee with a stipend.
5.5. Consider and possibly approve the Lease Agreement Between Danbury I.S.D. and the Tri-Bayou Little League Baseball Association.
5.6. Certification of Unopposed Candidates
5.7. Order of Cancelation - May 4th 2024 Election
6. Adjournment to a closed or executive session will be held for the purposes authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 - 551.089 including but not limited to:
7. Reconvene in Open Meeting
8. Consider and possible action on items discussed in executive session (those listed under the executive session of this Notice).
9. Adjournment