March 28, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the minutes from the Regular Meeting on February 22, 2016 and the Special Board Meeting on February 24, 2016.
3. Introductions/Presentations
3.1. Lapeer County Spelling Bee Champion - John Ciurla (Pat Brown/Sharon Muir)
ยป John Ciurla, one of our 8th grade middle school students, won the Lapeer County Spelling Bee contest that was held at the Education & Technology Center on March 22. John also won this event last year as a 7th grader. John competed against 30 students in grades 5-8 from around the county. He will now advance to the National Spelling Bee competition in Washington, D.C. during National Spelling Bee Week (May 22-27, 2016). |
3.2. Kindergarten Jumpstart - Jamie Delboy (Devon Caudill)
4. Public Comments
This is a time for the public to make comments during the meeting. When making comments, please state your name and then direct your comments to the President of the Imlay City Board of Education. Comments are limited to a maximum of five minutes per person. |
5. Approval of Bills in the Amount of $641,336.15
5.1. General Fund.................$589,578.56
5.2. Lunch Fund.....................$51,357.59
5.3. Debt Retirement Fund..........$400.00
6. Financial Report - Amy Swantek
7. Curriculum/Instruction Report - None
8. Administrative Reports - None
9. Board Committee Reports
9.1. Budget/Finance - Jim Preisel
9.2. Buildings/Grounds - Greg Dennis
9.3. Curriculum/School Improvement - Dave Spoelma
9.4. Personnel/Policy - Steve Plunkitt
9.5. Athletics - Doug Van Dyk
10. Informational Items
10.1. Employee Resignation
11. Hearing Items - None
12. Action Items
12.1. Contract Offer: New Superintendent of Schools
12.2. Contract Terms: New Superintendent of Schools
12.3. Bridge Building Club Overnight Trip: 2016 MDOT Design and Build Bridge Challenge
12.4. Quiz Bowl Club Overnight Trip: 2016 Michigan High School Quiz Bowl State Championship
12.5. Student Overnight Trip: 2017 Presidential Inauguration (Washington, D.C.)
12.6. Student Council Overnight Trip: 2016 MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership State Conference
12.7. 401(a) Special Pay Plan Resolution
12.8. Preschool Tuition Increase
12.9. Employee Childcare Discount
12.10. High School Parking Improvement (North Lot)
12.11. Change Order Authorization: High School Parking Improvement (North Lot)
13. Closing Announcements
14. Adjournment