August 16, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Opening Ceremony
III. Invocation
IV. Open Forum
V. Reports
V.A. Finance, Investments, Budget Amendments and Donations
V.B. Information from Attorney, ESC, PRAD, TASA, TASB, TEA
V.C. 2023-2024 Budget and Tax Rate Information
V.D. 2023 Bond Project Update
V.E. Enrollment
V.F. 2023-24 Athletic, Employee, and Student Handbooks
V.G. High School Principal
V.H. Middle School Principal
V.I. Elementary Principal
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approve Minutes from the July 19, 2023 Regular Meeting and the August 2, 2023 Special Meeting
VI.B. Approve Expenditures, Financial Statements, Budget Amendments and Donations
VI.C. Potter County Adjunct Faculty and Extracuricular Status Request
VI.D. Randall County Adjunct Faculty and Extracurricular Status Request
VII. Business Items
VII.A. Designate TASB Delegate and Alternate
VII.B. SSSP Threat Assessment Team
VII.C. Consideration and possible action regarding a Resolution relating to Texas Education Code section 37.0814 and the requirement to ensure at least one armed security officer is present on every school district campus
VII.D. 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct
VII.E. Consideration and action to approve an Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credits (Option 3 Agreement) and to delegate contractual authority to the Superintendent
VII.F. Resolution for Fund Balance Assignments - GASB 54
VII.G. Authorize the Superintendent and Finance Director to make final 2022-2023 budget amendments
VII.H. Addition of an Authorized Representative to Current Investment Pools and Bank Accounts
VII.I. Personnel
VII.I.I. Certification Waiver
VIII. Superintendent Remarks
VIII.A. Board President and Superintendent Weekly Communication
VIII.B. TASA - TASB Convention Information for September 29 - October 1
IX. Adjournment