July 13, 2005 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Opening Ceremony
III. Approve Listing of Agenda Items
IV. Public Participation
V. Special Reports
V.A. Bond Projects Update
V.B. Superintendent's Information
V.B.I. Student's Tech Cafe
V.B.II. Update 73
V.B.III. Property Update
V.B.IV. FFA Extra Curricular & Co-Curricular Policy
V.B.V. TASB Delegate Assembly
VI. Approve Consent Agenda
VI.A. Financial Reports
VI.B. Minutes from Previous Meetings
VI.B.I. Regular Meeting June 15, 2005
VI.B.II. Special Called Meeting June 23, 2005
VI.C. Discipline Report
VI.D. Laptop Insurance Quotes
VI.E. Award Milk Bid for 2005-06 School Year
VI.F. Investment Officer Change
VI.G. Lone Star Representative Addition
VI.H. Workers' Compensation Coverage Renewal
VI.I. Appointment to Region 16 Advisory Council
VI.J. Revisions to Student Code of Conduct
VII. Action/Discussion Items
VII.A. Discuss Organizational Health Inc. (OHI)
VII.B. Bond Purchases
VII.C. Award Athletic Supply Bid
VII.D. Award Property/Casualty/Auto Insurance Bid
VII.E. Update 75 First Reading
VII.F. Personnel Items
VII.F.I. Resignations/Elections
VII.F.II. Contract Recommendations
VIII. Closed Meeting
VIII.A. Discuss and approve payment to Acting Superintendent
VIII.B. Discuss Superintendent Search
IX. Adjournment