June 15, 2005 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Opening Ceremony
III. Approve Listing of Agenda Items
IV. Public Participation
V. Special Reports
V.A. Recognition
V.A.I. King Hill
V.B. Bond Projects Update
V.C. Superintendent's Information
V.C.I. Preliminary TAKS Scores
V.C.II. Apple Lease Update
VI. Approve Consent Agenda
VI.A. Financial Reports
VI.B. Minutes from Previous Meetings
VI.B.I. Regular Meeting May 17, 2005
VI.B.II. Special Called Meeting May 23, 2005
VI.B.III. Special Called Meeting May 30, 2005
VI.B.IV. Special Called Meeting June 6, 2005
VI.C. Service Center Contracts
VI.D. Worth The Wait Contract
VI.E. Approve Cornell & Company as Auditor for 04-05 School Year
VI.F. Resolution to Amend Air Force Base Property Use
VII. Action/Discussion Items
VII.A. Construction Report
VII.B. TASA/TASB Convention
VII.C. Personnel Items
VII.C.I. Resignations/Elections
VII.D. Land Acquisition
VIII. Closed Meeting
IX. Adjournment