December 15, 2004 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Opening Ceremony
III. Approve Listing of Agenda Items
IV. Public Participation
V. Special Reports
V.A. Superintendent's Information to the Board
VI. Approve Consent Agenda Items
VI.A. Consideration/Approval of Financial Statements
VI.A.I. Financial Statement
VI.A.II. Investment Report
VI.A.III. Cash Flow Statement
VI.B. Consideration/Approval of Minutes from Meetings Held
VI.B.I. Regular Called Meeting November 17, 2004
VII. Action/Discussion Items
VII.A. Consideration/Approval of Electronic Sign Proposals
VII.B. Consideration/Approval of Appeal on Discipline Correction Action Plan
VII.C. Consideration/Approval of Resolution to Expend District Funds for Flowers/Card for District Goodwill
VII.D. Consideration/Approval Update 73
VII.E. Consideration/Approval of Organizational Health Survey Results
VII.F. Consideration/Approval of Personnel Items
VII.F.I. Personnel resignations and Elections
VIII. Closed Meeting
VIII.A. Discussion Regarding Personnel Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignemnt, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal, Complaint, or Charges (If Needed)
VIII.B. Confer with Employees of the District to Receive Information or Ask Questions (If Needed)
VIII.C. Discussion Regarding Student Discipline (If Needed)
VIII.D. Consultation with District's Attorney (If Needed)
IX. Adjournment