September 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call Regular Meeting to Order
Invocation and Pledge
Public Comments/Communications from Citizens to Discuss Pending Agenda Before the Board
Executive Session
Adjournment to closed or executive session in the Winona High School Library pursuant to Texas Education Code 551.071, 551.072, 551.076, 551.082, the Open Meetings Act. Should any action, final decision for final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed or executive meeting or session, then the final action, the final decision, or final vote shall be either: (a) in the meeting covered by the notice upon therefore; as the School Board shall determine purposes.
Discuss and Consider Personnel Hiring and Resignations
Discuss and Consider Hiring Additional Security Personnel
Reconvene from Executive Session
Consider Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
Discuss, Consider and Take Action on Personnel Hiring and Resignations
Discuss, Consider and Take Action on Hiring Additional Personnel
Superintendent Update
Student Total Enrollment: 1087
High School: 283 Middle School: 252 Elementary: 552 |
Special Recognition
Student of the Month:
Elementary: Layla Wagner and Yaretzi Rios Middle School: Ivuna Bailey and Chance Cole High School: Jade Hall and Nate Hampton |
Teacher of the Month: Lou Ann Ayers
Support Staff of the Month: Crystal Manuel
Discuss and Review Preliminary First Rating Report
Review of Accountability Data Presentation
Discuss and Review Board Goals
Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on Items over $10,000
Discuss, Consider and Take Action on Approving Edgenuity (Imagine Learning) - $33,175.00
Discuss, Consider and Take Action on the Purchase of CTE Equipment (Perkins Reserve Grant)
Update on Safety and Security Intruder Detection Audit
Intent to Apply Grants
2023-2025 Grown Your Own Grant, Cycle 6 (Due Date: October 13, 2022)
2023-2024 National Board Candidacy Cohort Grant (Due Date: October 31, 2022)
Discuss, Consider and Take Action on Shared Agreement with Union Grove, Arp ISD, Mineola ISD and Quitman ISD
Discuss, Consider and Take Action on Approval for the Winona ISD High School Counselor to Have Extra Duties
Discuss, Consider and Approve Repairs Resulting From Tornado Storm
Review and Discuss School Board Members Training
Consent Agenda
Financial Reports
Budget Amendments