June 23, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call Meeting to Order
Invocation and Pledge
Public Comments/Audience Participation
Consent Agenda
Minutes from May 18, 2015 Regular Board Meeting and Special Called Meeting on June 2, 2015.
Financial Reports
Quarterly Investment Report
Review WISD State & Federal Grants Manual
Amend the 2014-2015 Budget
Requisitions over $10,000
Student Athletic Accident Coverage
Update 102
Selecting a 2015 TASB Delegate and Alternate
Superintendent Information
Closed Meeting as Authorized Under Texas Government code, including but not limited to Section 551.074- Personnel Matters
Hiring of Certified Personnel
Consideration and possible action to rescind proposed nonrenewal of term contract with Stephane Kirkpatrick.
Consideration and possible action to approve seperation agreement with Stephane Kirkpatrick.
Consideration and possible action to nonrenew term contract of high school teacher/coach of Anthony Valladares.
Consider Action on matters discussed in Closed Session
Call Meeting to Order
Invocation and Pledge
Public Comments/Audience Participation
Consent Agenda
Minutes from May 18, 2015 Regular Board Meeting and Special Called Meeting on June 2, 2015.
Financial Reports
Quarterly Investment Report
Amend the 2014-2015 Budget
Requisitions over $10,000
Student Athletic Accident Coverage
Selecting a 2015 TASB Delegate and Alternate
Superintendent Information
Closed Meeting as Authorized Under Texas Government code, including but not limited to Section 551.074- Personnel Matters
Hiring of Certified Personnel
Consider Action on matters discussed in Closed Session