May 22, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Public Comment
Members of the public who wish to address the board on an agenda item will have a five minute time limit to address the board. (Ten minutes if a translator is required).
Information Agenda
Recognition of AR Tiger Star Readers for Valley View North Elementary.
Antonio De La Cerda, VV North Elementary Principal
Recognition of AR Tiger Star Readers for Valley View South Elementary.
Marina Leal, VV South Elementary Principal
Recognition of AR Tiger Star Readers for Valley View Junior High.
Sandra Riojas, VV Junior High Principal
Recognition of AR Tiger Star Readers for Valley View Early College Campus.
Thelma Samaniego, VV Early College Principal
Recognition of AR Tiger Star Readers for Valley View High School.
Jesus Garza, VV High School Principal
Superintendent's Report
Dr. Silvia Ibarra, Superintendent of Schools
Consent Agenda
Consider and take action to approve the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting of May 8, 2023.
Action Agenda
Discussion and possible action on school district bank depository contract.
Gerardo Salinas, Senior Accountant
Consider and take action to approve the amendment in the amount of $176,000.00 to transfer funds from Food Service Fund Balance to the Food Service Opening Budget for the purchase of the delivery trucks, as recommended by administration.
Gerardo Salinas, Senior Accountant
Consider and take action to approve the job descriptions, as recommended by administration.
Aaron Larraga, HR Director
Consider and take action to approve the five-year agreement between Valley View ISD and UTRGV grant proposal: Project MHS Access 2, as recommended by administration.
Perla Del Angel, SPED Director
Consider and take action to approve the 2023-2024 Updated District Calendar, as recommended by administration.
Monica Luna, Asst. Superintendent for Secondary Ed.
Consider and take action to approve the 2023-2024 Calendar of Board Meetings, as recommended by administration.
Dr. Silvia Ibarra, Superintendent of Schools
Consider and take action to approve the following expenses over $10,000.00 as recommended by administration:
District Operations
Purchase of two food delivery trucks for the Food Services Department for the amount of $175,979.08 (Excess Fund Balance Plan)
Karla Rodriguez, Food Services Director
Executive Session
Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
Discuss and consider staff resignations.
Discuss and consider staff recommendations.
Consideration and possible action on recommendations for renewal for the 2023-2024 school year of the contracts of employees currently employed under contracts governed by Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code.
Discuss and consider recommendations for renewal for the 2023-2024 school year of the contracts of employees currently employed under non-certified contracts not governed by Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code.
Discuss and consider nonrenewal of noncertified administrator's contract.
Open Session
Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
Consider and take action to approve staff resignations as recommended by the administration.
Consider and take action to approve staff recommendations as recommended by the administration.
Consideration and possible action on recommendations for renewal for the 2023-2024 school year of the contracts of employees currently employed under contracts governed by Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code.
Consideration and possible action on recommendations for renewal for the 2023-2024 school year of the contracts of employees currently employed under non-certified contracts not governed by Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code.
Consideration and possible action on renewal of noncertified administrator's contract.