November 14, 2006 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call to Order
Declaration of Quorum
State for the record, the names of trustees representing the quorum
Closed Session (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
Request to have a closed session as authorized by the Texas Government Code in accordance with Sections 551.071 private consultation with the board's attorney, 551.072 discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, 551.074 discussing employment, evaluation, or discipline of personnel, and 551.087 deliberation regarding economic development negotiations.
Reconvene after Closed Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Students and Teachers
Benfer Elementary and Strack Intermediate
Administrative Personnel (promotions/transfers/employment)
Presentation of the Recipes for Education Scholarship from Equipment Preferences, Inc. (EPI)
School/Business/Community Partnerships
Citizen Inquiries
Approximately 20 minutes of each regular meeting will be allocated to citizen inquiries. After registering with the board secretary prior to the meeting, a school district resident, employee, vendor, or potential vendor shall have an opportunity to address the Board of Trustees for the four specific purposes as dictated by the state laws governing open meetings: 1) to discuss an item that appears on the agenda/notice of meeting, 2) to make a request for specific factual information, 3) to ask for a recitation of existing policy, and 4) to redress grievances. In accordance with the law, no deliberation, discussion or decision will be made other than to consider a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting, unless the subject is listed on the board agenda, in which case it may be discussed by the board. A written response or acknowledgment will be provided. Oral comments are limited to five minutes in length, unless extended by a majority of the trustees, and must not mention any individuals by name or position or contain any personally identifiable reference.
Quarterly Construction Report
Approval of Resolution designating a certain area as a reinvestment zone for Commercial/Industrial tax abatement in the Klein Independent School District, Harris County, Texas, to be known as Klein Independent School District Reinvestment Zone Number One: establishing the boundaries thereof; and providing for an effective date
Approval of the request of Hewlett-Packard Company to extend the 120-day limit for action on its Application for Limitation on Appraised Value of Property for School Maintenance and Operations Taxes
Approval of Findings relating to the Application of the Hewlett-Packard Company for Limitation on Appraised Value of Property for School Maintenance and Operations Taxes
Approval of the agreement between Klein ISD and Hewlett-Packard Company for Limitation on Appraised Value of Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes
Approval of proposed revision to tentative $45 million Schedule of Estimated Expenditures, Series 2007
Review and approval of the Offering Documents and authorization to the district's financial advisor to advertise the sale and distribution of bids on the $45 million Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2007
Consideration of purchase of real property
First reading of local board policies EIC(Local) - Academic Achievement: Class Ranking and EIE(Local) - Academic Achievement: Retention and Promotion
First reading of local board policies DBD - Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Conflict of Interest, DEA - Compensation & Benefits: Salaries, Wages and Stipends; DHE - Employee Standards of Conduct: Searches & Alcohol/Drug Testing, FDA - Admissions: Interdistrict Adminissions, FDB - Admissions: Intradistrict Transfers, pursuant to TASB Update 78; and dissemination of TASB Update 78 legal policies
Approval to offer the innovative course, Global Business - Cultures and Current Issues [if approved, this will be submitted to TEA to offer this course as a state graduation elective credit]; this course is part of the curriculum for the International Business Academy at Klein Forest High School
Items removed from the Consent Agenda.
Consent Agenda:
Continuation of Bid #067-06 periodicals and newspapers
Continuation of Bid #073-06 dual credit books
Revision to the $35 million Schedule of Estimated Expenditures, Series 2003-A
Revision to the $53 million Schedule of Estimated Expenditures, Series 2006
Change order in the amount of $55,206 for Krimmel Intermediate
Renewal of the plan services for the Klein 457(b) Individual Retirement Plan with Great West/EducatorsMoney, the current administrator, for the plan year beginning January 1, 2007, with the option to renew for additional one year terms with the mutual consent of the vendor and the Board of Trustees
Renewal of the Retirement Plans Consultation Contract with TCG Consulting as Retirement Plan consultant effective November 12, 2006, for a twelve month period with an option to renew for additional one year terms with the mutual consent of the vendor and the Board of Trustees
Renewal of the Investment Advisor Services Contract with TCG Consulting for twelve months effective December 1, 2006, with the option to renew for additional one year terms with the mutual consent of the vendor and the Board of Trustees
Renewal of the plan services for the Klein FICA Alternative Retirement Plan with Great West/EducatorsMoney, the current administrator, for the plan year beginning January 1, 2007, with the option to renew for additional one year terms with the mutual consent of the vendor and the Board of Trustees
Bid #093-07 math and science manipulatives
Bid #103-07 food service vending machine
Bid #104-07 student furniture
Bid #115-07R teaching supplies
Proposal #107-07 Fine Arts lab
Storage Area Network, SAN, Maintenance contracts
Approval of waivers of penalty and interest on delinquent taxes in accordance with section 33.011 of the Property Tax Code for: Bryant #017-1237190010002; Muse Brothers Properties #017-0440130000149; and Champion Glen LP #017-1216040020004
Denial of waiver of penalty and interest on delinquent taxes in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Property Tax Code for: Robinson #017-1123140000012
Approval of sale of tax foreclosure property K-126
Approval to sell obsolete, unusable and non-repairable surplus personal property by public auction in accordance with section 11.151(c) of the Texas Education Code during December 2006, via national online website auction service
Student enrollment requests (Klein ISD Powers of Attorney)
Project initiation for the 2007 Energy Conservation & Miscellaneous Electric Project with RH George as the engineer and using the Competitive Sealed Proposal method
Schematic design for the Police Facility
Design development of the Network Operations Center
Approval of the Construction Manager At-Risk for the Network Operation Center
Sanitary sewer easement and water line easement at Krimmel Intermediate
Construction documents for the Klein Oak High School chiller
Project initiation for the Wunderlich Fine Arts addition with RWS as the architect and using the CM At-Risk method
Approval of Technology Blueprint Consultant/CSP #82-07
Approval of Minutes of the regular board meeting on October 10, 2006, and Minutes of the special board meeting on October 17, 2006
Board Agenda Calendar Review
KISD Events Calendar
Follow-up on prior reports/requests for information
Comments from Board Members and Administrators