September 22, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Workshop
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Academics
III. Business/Finance
III.A. Purchase Orders
III.A.1. Gordon's Food Service; Dietary Department; Jonesborough Middle School; $125,000.00
III.A.2. PO 34432; Tennessee Office Supply; SPED; System-wide; Brother Desktop Scanners; 68 total;$13,598.64; Funded by ESSER 2.0; Line Item 71200-499(934)
III.A.3. PO 34519; Frontier Health; Continued Counseling for Students; Lamar,GV,SS,FB,BC,JM; $25,454.52; Funded by ELC Grant; Line Item 142E72130399940
III.A.4. PO 6883; Raptor Technologies License Renewal; System-wide; $19,120.00; Line Item 72250399
III.A.5. PO 34531; Gallopade; TN Experience Textbooks(Social Studies); Last year of 3 year adoption; System-wide; Funded by ESSER 3.0; $35,224.86;Line Item 937 7110-429
III.A.6. PO 34508; Greentech Environmental; Transportation Dept.; 750 Mobile TypeC Buses (144 total) $36,720.00; 750 Mobile Type A Buses (22 total) $5,610.00; Replacement Filters (6 pk 28 total) $336.00; Funded by ESSER 2.0; $42,666.00 total; Line Item 142E 72710499934
IV. Operations
IV.A. Items to be declared surplus and sold on GovDeals
IV.B. Discussion of van purchases(deferred from September 1, 2022 Board meeting); Ford of Murfressboro; State Contract 000075348; 2023 Ford Transit 250 High Roof Cargo (2 - Maintenance Dept.) $45,200.00 ea.; 2023 Ford Transit 350 Mid Roof Wagon 8 Passenger (2-one for each high school)$48,848.00 ea.; 2023 Ford Transit 350 Mid Roof Wagon 15 passenger (1-replaces district used van) $49,688.00; Line Item 141E 72710-729
IV.C. Discussion of a 2023 Ford-150 4X4 Truck for Transportation Department(deferred from September 1, 2022 Board meeting); replaces truck utilized by mechanics; Lonnie Cobb Ford(Henderson,TN); State Contract SWC209 754 37; Purchase Order 6706; $38,253.00; Line Item 141E 72710-729
IV.D. Transportation Department Review
IV.E. Athletics Facilities Study
IV.F. Facilities Study recommendations
IV.G. Discussion of school buses
IV.H. Update on Boones Creek Elementary Floor
IV.I. Facilities Updates
IV.I.1. Re-bids will be released for nurse clinic restroom upgrades at West View, Sulphur Springs, and South Central (previously approved by the Board on February 3, 2022; funded through the Epidemiology & Laboratory ELC Grant; Line Item 142E 76100-707-940)
IV.I.2. Monthly Update Report
V. Student Supports
VI. Items for discussion requested by Board Members
VI.A. Age Appropriate Materials Act
VI.B. Educator support proposal
VI.C. Entrance procedures for parents/visitors to the schools
VI.D. Third Grade retention legislation
VI.E. Times slot for people wishing to address the Board
VII. 2022-2023 Board Committees
VIII. Superintendent
VIII.A. Minutes - September 1, 2022
IX. Upcoming Events
TSBA Annual Convention Schedule Board Retreat
X. Adjournment