February 8, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
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Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent agenda
2. * Approval of the regular and Closed Session Minutes from the January 25, 2021, Board Meeting.
3. November 2020 and December 2020 Finance Reports
4. Special Presentations
4.a. NWEA Update - Heather Conklin and Cathy Kotlarek
5. * Staff Reports
5.a. North Creek - Kimberly Gillow
5.b. South Meadows - Stacie Battaglia
5.c. Operations - Tim Courtright
5.d. Technology - Scott Wooster
5.e. Food Service - Deborah Over
5.f. Transportation - Rick Boham
5.g. Special Education - Lisa Nickel
5.h. CHS - Mike Kapolka
5.i. Beach Middle - Nick Angel
5.j. Finance and Administrative Services - Michelle Cowhy
5.k. Curriculum and Instruction - Heather Conklin
5.l. Human Resources and Community Education - Marcus Kaemming
5.m. Athletics - Brad Bush
6. Communications
7. Board Member and Student Liaison Reports
8. Public Input
9. Superintendent/Board Discussion
10. * Consent Action Items
10.a. Action Item 89a-20-21. Motion to move Action Item 89-20-21 from a Consent Action Item to an Individual Action Item.
10.b. Action Item 90-20-21. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve the 2021-2022 CHS Course Handbook.
10.c. Action Item 91-20-21. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve the Reconfirmation Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan for February.
10.d. Action Item 92-20-21. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve the Athletic Boosters fundraiser for the purchase of batting cages. A detailed site plan and compliance confirmation to be presented to the Board at a later date.
11. * Individual Action Items
11.a. Action Item 89-20-21. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve opening Chelsea School District to a limited school of choice for the 2021--2022 school year. Further, Dr. Helber recommends placing a cap of 25 non-resident students for the 2021-2022 school year and reevaluating each year depending on space and program availability. At no time will the non-resident student school of choice enrollment exceed 5% of the total Chelsea School District enrollment based on the annual fall count.
11.b. Action Item 93-20-21. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve the Nova recommendation letter for asbestos abatement work at the 300 and 400 buildings on the WSEC campus.
11.c. Action Item 94-20-21. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve the bid from Sorinex Exercise Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $258,786.77 for exercise equipment in the high school weight room.
11.d. Action Item 95-21-22. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve voting for Jack Tempsey from Potterville Public Schools as the MASB Region 7 Board of Directors nominee.
12. Information and Discussion
12.a. Streaming and Recording of Board Meetings
13. Public Input
14. Superintendent Report
15. Commendations/Thank-you
16. Upcoming Events
17. Closed Session, if necessary. (MCL 380.503)
18. Other
19. Adjournment