December 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. * Approval of the minutes from the November 27, 2017, Board Meeting.
3. September 2017 Finance Report
4. Special Presentations
4.a. Beach Media Center - Nick Angel
4.b. Strategic Framework and Goals - Administrators
4.c. Curriculum Update - Marcus Kaemming
5. * Staff Reports
5.a. North Creek - Luman Strong
5.b. South Meadows - Stacie Battaglia
5.c. Operations - Tim Courtright
5.d. Technology - Scott Wooster
5.e. Food Service - Deborah Over
5.f. Transportation - Rick Boham
5.g. Special Education - Lisa Nickel
5.h. CHS - Mike Kapolka
5.i. Beach Middle - Nick Angel
5.j. Finance and Administrative Services - Michelle Cowhy
5.k. Instruction, Curriculum and Human Resources - Marcus Kaemming
5.l. Athletics - Brad Bush
6. Communications
7. Board Member and Student Liaison Reports
8. Public Input
9. Superintendent/Board Discussion
10. * Consent Action Items
10.a. Action Item 28-17-18. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve the high school's field trip request to travel to Europe from June 19, 2018 through June 28, 2018.
10.b. Action Item 29-17-18. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve either the Motion or Resolution in Opposition to Senate Bills 584-586.
11. * Individual Action Items
11.a. Action Item 30-17-18. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board hire Mara Goodman as a Social Worker at Beach Middle School and be placed on MA Step 2 of the CEA Master Agreement.
12. * Information/Discussion
12.a. BMS Band and Orchestra field trip request to the Ann Arbor Symphony on Sunday, March 4, 2018, to attend the Harry Potter Concert.
12.b. Board Policies
12.c. Board Committee and Liaison Assignments
13. Public Input
14. Superintendent Report
15. Commendations/Thank-you
16. Upcoming Events
17. Closed Session, for the purpose of the Superintendent's evaluation. (MCL 380.503)
18. Other
19. Adjournment