May 4, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. * Approval of the regular and Closed Session minutes from the April 20, 2015, Board Meeting.
3. * March 2015 Finance Report
4. Communications
5. Special Presentations
5.a. High School Mentorship Program - Katie Dewyer
5.b. North Creek Technology - Mike Brown and Eric Robinson
6. * Staff Reports
6.a. North Creek - Marcus Kaemming
6.b. South Meadows - Stacie Battaglia
6.c. Operations - Ron Livengood
6.d. Technology - Scott Wooster
6.e. Food Service - Sue Gregg
6.f. Transportation - Jeff Knasiak
6.g. Special Education - Lisa Nickel
7. Board Member Reports
8. Public Input
9. Superintendent/Board Discussion
10. * Consent Action Items:
10.a. Action Item 64-14-15. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve changes to the District's LTD and life insurance carriers.
11. * Information/Discussion
11.a. WISD Budget Resolution.
11.b. Administrator Contracts
11.c. 2015-2016 Request for Leaves of Absence.
11.d. 5517.01 Bullying Policy
12. Public Input
13. Superintendent Report
14. Commendations/Thank-you's
15. Upcoming Events
16. Closed Session, for the purpose of the Superintendent's evaluation. (MCL 380.503)
17. Other
18. Adjournment