January 14, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. Administration of oath of office by Superintendent Ingall to re-elected/newly-elected Board Members Steve Olsen and Laura Bush: “Do you hereby accept the Office of Member of the Board of Education of the Chelsea School District, Washtenaw and Jackson Counties, State of Michigan, for the ensuing term of four years? Do you solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this State, and that you will faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of Member of the Board of Education according to the best of your ability? And do you hereby certify that you are a legal voter in said School District?” If so, answer, “I will and I do.”
3. * Approval of the regular and Closed Session minutes from the December 10, 2012, Board Work Session.
4. Election of Board of Education Officers
4.a. Action Item 30-12-13: Election of President
4.b. Action Item 31-12-13: Election of Vice-President
4.c. Action Item 32-12-13: Election of Secretary
4.d. Action Item 33-12-13: Election of Treasurer
5. Committee Assignments
6. Communications
7. * Special Presentations
7.a. Bond Refunding - Jeff Soles of Thrun Law
8. * Staff Reports
8.a. North Creek - Marcus Kaemming
8.b. South Meadows - Lisa Nickel
8.c. Technology - Scott Wooster
8.d. Food Service - Sue Gregg
8.e. Transportation - Jeff Knasiak
8.f. Special Education - Jim Woodhams
9. Board Member Reports
10. Public Input
11. Superintendent/Board Discussion
12. * Consent Action Items
12.a. Action Item 34-12-13. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve District Curriculum Council's recommended course changes for high school Graphic Arts and Computers.
13. * Individual Action Items
13.a. Action Item 35-12-13. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the Resolution to Ratify the Closing Documents for Refunding the 2004 Bond.
14. * Information/Discussion
14.a. Policy Review
0151 - Organizational Meeting - Revised
1240 - Evaluation of the Superintendent - TBD 1422 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity - New 2260 - Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity - Revised 2271 - Postsecondary (Dual) Enrollment Option Program - Revised 3122 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity - Revised 4122 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity - Revised 5136 - Personal Communication Devices - Replacement 6110 - Grant Funds - Revised 6146 - Post-Issuance Compliance for Tax Exempt and Tax Advantaged Obligations - Replacement 6520 - Payroll Deductions - Revised 7530.02 - Staff Use of Personal Communication Devices - New 7542 - Access to District Technology Resources From Personal Communication Devices - Replacement 8321 - Criminal Justice Information Security (Non-Criminal Justice Agency) - New |
14.b. Superintendent's Contract
14.c. Field trip request from the high school baseball team for their annual trip to Venice, FL from March 29 through April 6, 2013.
14.d. Operating/Headlee Millage
14.e. Course Selection Updates
14.f. Bus Purchase
15. Public Input
16. Superintendent Report
17. Commendations/Thank-you's
18. Upcoming Events
19. Closed Session for the purpose of student discipline. (MCL 380.503)
20. Other
21. Closed Session for the purpose of CEA negotiations. (MCL 380.503)
22. Other
23. Adjournment