January 9, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. * Approval of the regular and Closed Session minutes from the December 12, 2011, Board meeting.
3. * November Finance Report
4. Communications
5. Special Presentation
5.a. Updates at CHS - Julie Deppner
5.b. Online Learning - Mike Kapolka
6. * Staff Reports
6.a. North Creek - Marcus Kaemming
6.b. South Meadows - Lisa Nickel
6.c. Technology - Scott Wooster
6.d. Food Service - Sara Simmerman
6.e. Transportation - Jeff Knasiak
6.f. Special Education - Jim Woodhams
7. Public Input
8. Superintendent/Board Discussion
9. * Consent Action Items:
9.a. Action Item 51-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the high school softball team’s field trip request to Isle of Palms, SC from March 30 - April 7, 2012, for their annual training camp.
9.b. Action Item 52-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the Chelsea House Orchestra’s (CHO) field trip request to the Henry Ford Village Retirement community on Sunday, March 18, 2012.
9.c. Action Item 53-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the Board Policies from Committee.
10. * Information/Discussion
10.a. The Chelsea House Orchestra’s (CHO) field trip request to the Cambridge Springs, PA to perform on September 7-9, 2012.
10.b. The high school’s A.P. Literature and College Prep. English class’ field trip request to Stratford, Ontario to attend a play on May 22, 2012
10.c. Chelsea House Orchestra's field trip request to Edinboro, PA to perform.
10.d. Valic 457(b) Plan Document Update
10.e. Board MembersTerms of Office
11. Public Input
12. Superintendent Report
13. Commendations/Thank You's
14. * Upcoming Events
15. Closed Session for the purpose of CEA negotiations (MCL 380.503)
16. Other
17. Adjournment