November 28, 2011 at 5:30 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. * Approval of the minutes from the November 14, 2011, Board meeting.
3. Special Presentation - Mentoring Program - Chris Kochan and Mallori Bolter
4. * Staff Reports
4.a. High School - Julie Deppner
4.b. Beach Middle - Nick Angel
4.c. Assistant Superintendent - Lynn Bollman
4.d. Executive Director of Instructions - Andrew Ingall
4.e. Executive Director of Finance - Teresa Zigman
4.f. Athletics - Mike Kapolka
5. Public Input
6. * Consent Action Items:
6.a. Action Item 45-11-12. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the Boys Varsity Basketball field trip request to Rockford and Frankenmuth from December 2-4, 2011.
7. * Individual Action Items:
7.a. Action Item 45-12-13. Superintendent Killips recommends the Board approve the bid for 100 laptops from InacompTSG in the amount of $63,500; 2009 Bond funds will be used to make this purchase.
8. Information/Discussion
8.a. 2012 Bonding - Guest: R.J. Naughton, Stauder and Barch
8.a.1) Building Projects - Tennis Courts; Project List
8.b. Budget Update
8.b.1) 2011-12 Adjustments
8.b.2) 2012-13 Assumptions (Governor's View)
8.b.3) Class Size
8.b.4) Schools of Choice
8.b.5) Enrollment
8.c. Board Elections - 4 year or 6 year terms; Transition Plan
9. Upcoming Events
• Monday, December 12 - 6:30 PM- Board Meeting - WSEC • December 23 through January 6 - No School- Winter Break • Monday, January 9 - 6:30 PM - Board Meeting - High School • Monday, January 23 - 6:30 PM - Board Meeting - WSEC • Wednesday, January 25 - 3:45-7:00 PM - Parent/Teacher Conferences Middle School Only • Thursday, January 26 - 3:45-7:00 PM - Parent/Teacher Conferences - High School Only • February 17-20 - No School- Presidents' Day Weekend |
10. Closed Session for the purpose of CEA negotiations (MCL 380.503)
11. Other
12. Adjournment