April 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Declare a quorum. Invocation. Pledges. Mission statement.
Our district, as the educational center for excellence, provides the foundation for a safe, positive and enjoyable learning experience. In partnership with the community, Troy ISD models exemplary practices to empower our students to maximize their potential for success. |
2. Open Forum
Anyone wishing to participate remotely in public comment should email neil.jeter@troyisd.org one hour prior to the start of the meeting. |
3. Report/discuss:
3.a. Facility update
3.b. Remote instruction due to COVID-19 pandemic
3.c. Procedure for filling vacancy on the board
3.d. Board training
4. Consideration and possible action on resolution regarding extension of time for consideration of tax limitation application on qualified property from Big Elm Solar, LLC, No. 1536.
5. Consideration and possible action to consider COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.
6. Consideration and possible action to approve the Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification.
7. Consider and possible action to approve 2021-22 teacher salary schedule.
8. Consideration and possible action to approve local stipends.
9. Consideration and possible action to approve the consent agenda:
9.a. Minutes of the March 8th and 15th meetings
9.b. Revenue/Expenditure Reports
9.c. Athletic & Tax Receipts
9.d. Board training hours
9.e. Budget Amendment
9.f. Resolution to extend bank depository contract
10. Consideration of personnel:
10.a. Employ elementary assistant principal
10.b. Employ high school counselor
10.c. Employ teacher(s), teacher/coach(es)
10.d. Proposed renewal of term contract teachers, teacher/coaches, counselors, librarian, and nurse
10.e. Proposed nonrenewal of teacher/coach term contract
10.f. Proposed renewal and/or terminating of probationary contract teachers, teacher/coaches
10.g. Superintendent evaluation
11. Adjournment