November 22, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Moment of Silence to Commemorate the Service of Jason (Jay) Spillum to the Students, Staff, Families and the Communities of Little Falls Community Schools.
4. District Mission Statement
5. Approval of Agenda (Action)
6. Presentation
6.1. FFA Members - National Conference and Other FFA Items
6.2. Janel Bitzan– BerganKDV - Audit 2020-21 (Information Only)
6.3. Christine Grams - World's Best Workforce Annual Report and Updates to Plan. (Action)
7. Public Comments
8. Consent Agenda (Action)
8.1. Personnel
8.2. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
8.3. Approval of Financial Transactions
9. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
10. Reports from Board Members
11. Superintendent's Report
11.1. Recognition of Sharon Ballou as a Minnesota All-State School Board Member
12. Old or Unfinished Business
12.1. Approval of 2022 School Board Meeting Calendar (Action)
13. New Business
13.1. 2020-21 Fiscal Audit (Action)
13.2. 'Resolution for Minnesota State High School League Foundation Grant Application' (Action)
13.3. Approval of Authorization to Sign Pay Equity Report (Action)
13.4. 'Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places' (Action)
13.5. COVID Information Update (Informational)
14. Adjournment