August 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM - BOARD OF EDUCATION
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. District's Mission & Vision
5. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
6. Items of Interest, Recognition, and Inquiry
7. Guest or Citizen Introduction Agenda/Non-Agenda Items
8. Guest/Citizen Comment - Agenda Items
9. Presentations, Discussions & Information
9.a. The One Lakewood Community - Update
10. Consent Agenda - Motion to accept the continuation of the current, unchanged continuity plan, monthly bills, and minutes as presented.
11. Interview of Board Candidates - (Blind draw to determine order - candidates will not be allowed in other candidates' interviews for integrity purposes).
12. Action Item
12.a. Board Member Appointment - Motion to appoint _____ to replace Mr. Woodman's vacancy on the Board of Education as a trustee, effective immediately. Roll call as follows:
12.b. L-4029 2024 Tax Rate Request - Motion to approve the L-4029 2024 Tax Rate Request as recommended by Finance Director Mrs. Sprank and Superintendent Duits.
12.c. Approval of Hires - Motion to approve the hiring of Rachel Ridder as a Special Education Teacher for LHS, Chelsea Keith as a counselor for LHS, and Megan Visser as the counselor for LMS. Roll call as follows:
12.d. Food Service: LHS Conveyor Type Dishwasher - Motion to approve the purchase of the LHS Conveyor Type Dishwasher in the amount of $44.667.12 as recommended by Food Service Director T. Brewer and Superintendent Duits. Roll call as follows:
12.e. Leave of Absense - Motion to approve the leave request of Whitney Beglin as allowed in the LESPA contract. Roll call as follows:
13. Guest/Citizen Comment - Non-Agenda Items
14. Superintendent's Report
15. Board Comments
16. Closed Session - Motion to closed session.
16.a. 81c. - LESPA Contract Negotiations
17. Return to Open Session - Motion to return to open session.
18. Adjournment
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in agenda item Public Comment. |