April 26, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comment
3. Recognition
3.A. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) State Place Winners in Culinary Arts
3.B. Technology Student Association (TSA)
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Governance
4.A.1. Consider Approval of Minutes
4.A.1.a. Minutes, Regular Meeting - March 22, 2022 - 7:00 pm
4.A.1.b. Minutes, Special Meeting - April 4, 2022 - 5:30 pm
4.B. Business and Support Services
4.B.1. Review of Monthly Financial Report
4.B.2. Review of Check Written for the Month of March 2022.
4.B.3. Consider Renewal of Student Athletic/Activities and Catastrophic Insurance.
4.B.4. Consider Renewal of Storage Tank Liability Insurance.
4.B.5. Consider Recommendation to Approve Interlocal Participation Agreement with TASB Energy Cooperative.
4.C. Personnel
4.D. Curriculum and Instruction
4.D.1. 2022-2023 Allotment and TEKS Certification Survey
4.E. Students
5. Presentation Items
5.A. Governance
5.B. Business and Operations
5.C. Curriculum and Instruction
6. Discussion and Action Items
6.A. Curriculum and Instruction
6.A.1. Consideration and Approval of 750 Chromebooks and Software Licenses for Students
6.B. Business and Operations
6.B.1. Consideration and Approval of the 2022-2023 Stipend Compensation
6.C. Governance
7. Review Items
7.A. Curriculum and Instruction
7.B. Business and Operations
7.C. Governance
7.C.1. Review of 2021-2022 Board Continuing Education Hours
8. Closed Session:
8.A. Texas Government Code § 551.074 (1) PERSONNEL MATTERS, to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
8.A.1. Discuss Personnel Recommendations and Contracts
9. Personnel
9.A. Consider Approval of Recommendations for Action on the 2022-2023 Professional Personnel Contracts
10. Superintendent's Report
10.A. Governance
10.A.1. Consideration of attendance at Summer Leadership Institute - June 15-18, 2022
10.A.2. Discussion of the June Board Meeting Conflict with the PLC
10.B. Business and Support Services
10.C. Personnel
10.D. Curriculum and Instruction
10.D.1. Information Regarding the Need to Modify the 2022-23 School Calendar due to changes in the Wharton County Youth Fair dates.
10.E. Students
10.F. Community and Governmental Relations
10.F.1. Commencement Protocol for Present and Past Board Members
11. Adjournment