January 26, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comment
3. Recognition
3.A. Governor Greg Abbott has declared January 2021 as School Board Recognition Month as a tribute to the hard-working school board members who play such an important role in our communities and schools. As elected officials, they are the voice of their communities, serving first and foremost in the best interest of our children. Dennis Rawlings serving 6 years, Anthony Dorotik serving 8 years, Ed Erwin serving 2 years, David Vallejo serving his first year, James Russell serving 12 years, Susan Nohavitza serving her first year and Greg Anderson serving 5 years.
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Governance
4.A.1. Consider Approval of Minutes
4.A.1.a. December 15, 2020 - Regular
4.A.1.b. January 14, 2020- Public Hearing - 6:45
4.A.1.c. January 14, 2020- Special - Financial Audit - 7:00
4.A.2. Consider Approval of All Necessary Actions to Order Trustee Election for Saturday, May 1, 2021.
4.A.2.a. Order Trustee Election
4.A.2.a.1. Designating Location of Polling Place
4.A.2.a.2. Designating of Early Voting Polling Place
4.A.2.a.3. Set Date and Times for Early Voting
4.A.2.b. Designate Early Voting Clerk and Presiding Officer
4.B. Business and Support Services
4.B.1. Review of Monthly Financial Report for December 2020.
4.B.2. Review of Checks Written for Month of December 2020.
4.B.3. Review of Investment Policy
4.B.4. Consider Approval of District Investment Officers.
4.B.5. Consider Approval of Sources for Investment Training.
4.B.6. Consider Approval of Retainer Program Renewal with Walsh, Gallego, Trevino, Russo & Kyle P.C.
4.B.7. Consider Approval of the Annual Financial Audit and Compliance Report.
4.C. Personnel
4.D. Curriculum and Instruction
4.D.1. 504 and Dyslexia Report
4.E. Students
5. Presentation Items
5.A. Governance
5.B. Business and Operations
5.B.1. Discuss Possible Issuance of Time Warrants and/or Maintenance Tax Notes.
5.C. Curriculum and Instruction
6. Discussion and Action Items
6.A. Curriculum and Instruction
6.B. Business and Operations
6.B.1. Resolution - Continuation of District COVID 10 day Extended Leave
6.B.2. Discuss and Consider Approval of Early Separation Notification Incentive for Exempt Employees leaving the District.
6.C. Governance
7. Review Items
7.A. Curriculum and Instruction
7.B. Business and Operations
7.C. Governance
8. Closed Session:
8.A. Texas Government Code § 551.074 (1) PERSONNEL MATTERS, to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
9. Personnel
9.A. Recommendation for Athletic Director / Head Football Coach
9.B. Recommendation for Assistant Principal at Hutchins Elementary
10. Superintendent's Report
10.A. Governance
10.B. Business and Support Services
10.C. Personnel
10.C.1. Update on Staff Absences due to COVID
10.D. Curriculum and Instruction
10.D.1. Update on the Progress of the Instructional Coach Responsibilities
10.E. Students
10.F. Community and Governmental Relations
11. Adjournment