April 20, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comment
3. Business and Operations
3.A. Discuss Possible Purchase of New Band Uniforms
4. Curriculum and Instruction
4.A. Report on Plans for Annual Summer School Program
5. Personnel
5.A. Review and Discuss Elementary Enrollment Projections and Staffing
5.B. Review and Discuss Administration's Recommendation to Employ an Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Facilitator; a Bilingual/ESL Facilitator; and an RTI Facilitator
6. Recognition
6.A. Dianne Cerny - TASBO Certification
7. Participants at 7th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support
7.A. Deanna Hermann
8. Lura Faye Motley
9. Rhea Prasek
10. Laura Pustejovsky
11. Laura Motal
12. Robin Crowell
13. Dawn Cswaykus-Korenek
14. Tala Allen
15. Cheryl Roitsch
16. Carolyn Gordon
17. Consent Agenda
17.A. Governance
18. Consider Approval of the Minutes
18.A. March 23, 2010 - Regular Monthly Meeting
19. Business and Support Services
20. Report on Myatt Construction Project
21. Consider Approval of Application for Payment to Polasek Construction for Myatt Elementary Restroom Addition
22. Consider Approval of Renewal of Student Insurance
23. Consider Approval of Annual Food Service Program Evaluation
24. Review of Monthly Financial Reports
25. Review List of Checks Written for the Month of March, 2010
26. Personnel
26.A. Review Teachers' Annual Compensation Plan Market Study
27. Curriculum and Instruction
27.A. Review of Special Education Program Improvement Plan
28. Students
29. Review and Discuss Proposed Capital Improvements and Preventative Maintenance Plan Priorities Including a Prioritized List of Improvements to Auditorium
30. Report on Implementation of Saturday School Program
31. Report on Proposed Welding Certification Course
32. Second Semester Report and Discussion with Middle School Curriculum Facilitators
33. Governance
33.A. Discuss Proposed Superintendent Performance Goals
34. Discuss Dates for Summer Budget Workshops
35. Closed Session
36. Texas Government Code ยง 551.074 (1) (a) PERSONNEL MATTERS, to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
37. The Board Will Meet in a Closed Meeting to Discuss the Appointment of Professional Employees
38. Review Professional Personnel Changes Status Report
39. Superintendent's Report
39.A. Personnel
39.B. Community and Governmental Relations
39.B.1. Legislative Update
40. Governance
41. Preliminary Agenda for Regular Meeting on May 18, 2010
42. Monthly Calendar of Activities and Events
43. Business and Support Services
44. Foundation School Program State Funding Status at End of the Fourth Six Weeks
45. Curriculum and Instruction
46. Students
46.A. Student Enrollment and Attendance at the End of Fourth Six Weeks
47. Monthly DAEP Report
48. Monthly SRO Report
49. Adjournment