April 22, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Notice of the time and place of the Lincoln Board of Education meeting was e-mailed to an extensive list of local and regional news media. A mailing list is maintained at the Lincoln Public Schools District Office. A public notice was published in the LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR.
The Lincoln Board of Education is empowered to act on any item listed on the Agenda at any time during the meeting, irrespective of the time or order listed. Pages listed, or further detail, are available upon request. The Open Meetings Act requires and the intention of the Board is that agenda items be sufficiently descriptive to give the public reasonable notice of the matters to be considered at the meeting. The Lincoln Board of Education releases its agenda well in advance of most meetings and desires that all interested persons are fully informed. Any interested person who has a question or needs clarification about the sufficiency of a descriptive item should contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. |
The attached minutes are intended to accurately reflect the action of the Board at its previous meetings.
Explanation The minutes have been prepared for Board approval.
7.1. Ramp Schools: Recognized ASCA Model Program
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) recognizes schools with a comprehensive, data-driven approach to school counseling. The school must have successfully implemented the program and applied for the status from the ASCA. The RAMP designation stands for: Recognized ASCA Model Program. Explanation The application starts with the question, “How are students different because of what school counselors do?” And, as one LPS school counselor said, “A school counselor is the only one in the school building who sees the student from all angles: career planning, academic achievement and personal/social development.” At Lincoln East High School, counselors have targeted two key areas of challenge: students who started high school somewhere besides East and struggled to succeed academically, and students who struggled in math. After interventions over a period of years, counselors noted the academic failure rate of student who didn’t start high school at East dropped by 50 percent. When targeting students with math struggles, the number of students repeating a math class dropped by 25 percent, and the school’s percentage of students attaining or exceeding the ACT benchmark for success in college math increased nine percent. During that same time period, graduation rates increased about four percentage points. Staff members continue to work with at-risk students to prepare for graduation. Counselors at Lincoln East include Karen Dress, Kim Glathar, Diane Wilson-Dunning and Kristin Murphy. At Schoo Middle School, counselors focused on the three target areas developed by the RAMP model: academics, social and emotional behavior, and career readiness. The counselors approached career planning at each grade level, starting with goal setting, then identifying career opportunities based on students’ interest, and finally hosting a career fair for eighth-grade students. For social skills, Schoo expanded a First Friends model, which helps new students meet new friends, as well as boosting an array of leadership opportunities in the school. In academics, counselors use a test-readiness approach where students learn strategies, meet with coaches and set goals. Results indicate that scores, participation and the amount of time taking the test all improved. Schoo counselors include Jodie Green, Rachael Kluck-Spann and Renee McClure. There are eight schools in Nebraska who have earned the RAMP status, and seven of them are in Lincoln Public Schools. Proposal WHEREAS, this school year the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) has honored two Lincoln Public Schools with the RAMP designation (Recognized ASCA Model Program): Schoo Middle School, and Lincoln East High School; and WHEREAS, this special designation recognizes schools with a comprehensive, data-driven approach to school counseling; and WHEREAS, the counseling department of Lincoln East High School has successfully targeted and improved two key areas of challenge: students who started high school somewhere besides East and struggled to succeed academically, and students who struggled in math; and WHEREAS, the counseling department at Schoo Middle School has successfully targeted and improved three target areas: academics, social and emotional behavior, and career readiness; and WHEREAS, the Lincoln Public Schools counseling department continues to excel and distinguish itself for its performance-driven work in all areas with students. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lincoln Board of Education does hereby congratulate the counseling departments and the schools of Lincoln East High School and Schoo Middle School for earning the ASCA’s RAMP designation, highlighting the hard-work and proven results these teams have demonstrated for the betterment of their schools, their students and their community. |
7.2. Back Pack Extra Mile Recognition
In keeping with Policy 8420, a time limit of five minutes will be allotted for any speaker. At the discretion of the Chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time.
9.1. Human Resources Matters
The Human Resources Division also includes the Office of Risk Management. As such, in addition to the Lincoln Board of Education approving all contractual agreements with employees, all employee benefit issues, all personnel actions, and all other matters within the scope of the Human Resources Division, as part of the Human Resources Matters agenda; the Lincoln Board of Education also must approve the settlement of Workers’ Compensation claims, take action on tort claims filed against the district, and take action on all other matters within the scope of the Office of Risk Management. |
9.2. Routine Business
At each meeting, the Board of Education is asked to approve certain items of routine business of the school district.
9.3. Option Enrollment Student Applications for 2013-14
On February 12, 2013, the Board adopted a resolution to accept option students for the 2013-14 school year. Applications have been received from students requesting that they be accepted as option students for the 2013-14 school year. Staff recommends that the students referred to in this agenda item be accepted for enrollment as they are in compliance with the Board resolution of February 12, 2013.
Explanation Staff has examined the application of the student included in this proposal. The student meets one of the criteria (currently enrolled) set forth by the Board in its resolution of February 12, 2013. Staff recommends approval of this application. Proposal That the Board adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS the student who has been assigned student number 213059 (for purposes of confidentiality, an assigned number is being used) meets one or more of the criteria (currently enrolled) of the Board resolution of February 12, 2013, with regard to such option students; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the aforementioned student be accepted as an option student on the condition and with the express understanding that all programs, all classes and all buildings of assignment, except as otherwise required by law, shall at all times and from time to time during attendance at Lincoln Public Schools be determined solely by Lincoln Public Schools.
9.4. Option Enrollment Student Applications for 2014-15
On February 25, 2014, the Board adopted a resolution to accept option students for the 2014-15 school year. Applications have been received from students requesting that they be accepted as option students for the 2014-15 school year. Staff recommends that the students referred to in this agenda item be accepted for enrollment as they are in compliance with the Board resolution of February 25, 2014. Explanation Staff has examined the application of the student included in this proposal. The student meets one of the criteria set forth by the Board in its resolution of February 25, 2014. Staff recommends approval of this application. Proposal That the Board adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS the student who has been assigned student number 291490 (for purposes of confidentiality, an assigned number is being used) meets one of the criteria (sibling of current option student) of the Board resolution of February 25, 2014, with regard to such option students; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the aforementioned student be accepted as an option student on the condition and with the express understanding that all programs, all classes and all buildings of assignment, except as otherwise required by law, shall at all times and from time to time during attendance at Lincoln Public Schools be determined solely by Lincoln Public Schools.
*The Lincoln Board of Education is empowered to act on any item listed on the Agenda at any time during the meeting, irrespective of the time or order listed. Pages listed, or further detail, are available upon request. The Open Meetings Act requires and the intention of the Board is that agenda items be sufficiently descriptive to give the public reasonable notice of the matters to be considered at the meeting. The Lincoln Board of Education Board releases its agenda well in advance of most meetings and desires that all interested persons are fully informed. Any interested person who has a question or needs clarification about the sufficiency of a descriptive item should contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.
10.1. From Board Committees
10.1.1. 2014-15 Transportation Plan
Each spring a transportation plan is prepared for the following school year. District policy 3710 is reviewed and recommendations for operational changes are solicited from individual school buildings and various departments. Schedules are prepared and a summary of needs is balanced against staff and equipment available to the district. Each year a review of all routes for the current year are reconsidered.
10.2. From the Superintendent
11.1. From Board Committees
11.1.1. Newly Annexed Property to the City of Lincoln
The Board of Education assigns school attendance areas to property newly annexed to the City of Lincoln or newly platted. This action establishes school attendance areas prior to the sale of residential lots, allowing purchasers to know what schools their children will attend.
Explanation The City of Lincoln has annexed three parcels of land, which automatically brings these properties into the Lincoln Public Schools District. These properties need to be assigned attendance centers so that potential purchasers of homes in this area will know which schools they will be attending. Grandview Estates Addition, South 70th Street and Countryview Road, Annexation #19877, for 2013-14 school year: Maxey Elementary School, Pound Middle School, and Southeast High School Railpark, Northwest 27th and Highway 34, Annexation #19952, for 2013-14 school year: Arnold Elementary School, Schoo Middle School, and North Star High School Broadmoor Ashbrook Apartments, Highway 2 and Ashbrook Drive, Annexation #20000, for 2013-14 school year: Maxey Elementary School, Lux Middle School, and East High School? Proposal That the Board approve the proposed attendance area assignments of the newly annexed properties.
11.1.2. 2000 Policies - Administration
The Board of Education Policy Review and Revisions Committee is reviewing policies of the Board. The committee has reviewed the 2000 Series, Administration, and has recommendations for Board consideration.
Explanation Proposal
11.1.3. Policy 3972 - Service Animals
According to law, students and others may bring their service dog to school if the work of the service dog is essential for the student to receive an education or to perform required work in the schools.
Explanation Proposal
11.1.4. Policy 5122 - Student Transfers (Elementary/Secondary)
Policy 5122 was originally developed to govern the process of transferring students from one school to another for various reasons.
Explanation Proposal
That the Board approve Policy 5122.
11.1.5. Policy 5140 - Student Attendance
Policy 5140 establishes the importance of regular attendance by every child. Excessive absences negatively impact student achievement and affect student academic progress. Explanation That the Board approve Policy 5140.
11.1.6. Policy 5430 - Emergency Exclusion
Policy 5430 ensures that if students are dangerous to themselves or others, the district has the time necessary to develop plans to provide the least restrictive environment for students to continue their education safely.
Explanation Proposal
11.1.7. Policy 5520 - Student Fees
The Nebraska Legislature adopted LB240, an amendment to the Student Fee Authorization Action, in 2003. The statute defines purposes for which student fees may and may not be collected by public schools in Nebraska. The act further requires boards of education to adopt a policy on student fees by August 1 of each year. Explanation Proposal
11.2. From the Superintendent
11.2.1. Item(s) Removed from Consent Agenda
11.2.2. Expedited/Emergency Actions
12.1. From Board Committees
12.1.1. Career Academy Update
12.2. From the Superintendent
12.2.1. Superintendent Update
12.2.2. Monthly Financial Report
At the second Board meeting of the month, information regarding the district's monthly financial report is presented.
Explanation The monthly financial report for the month ending March 31, 2014, is attached. Proposal Information item; no Board action required.
Friday, May 2
Career Academy Groundbreaking, 11:00 a.m., SCC Lincoln Campus Tuesday, May 6 Super Commons Meeting, 9:00 a.m., LPSDO Board Room Wednesday, May 7 Chamber Coffee, 8:00 a.m., Chamber Office Tuesday, May 13 Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m., LPSDO Board Room |
In keeping with Policy 8420, a time limit of five minutes will be allotted for any speaker. At the discretion of the Chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time.
15.1. Request for Closed Session - Negotiations/Collective Bargaining, Property/Real Estate, Litigation, Security, Criminal Misconduct, Personnel, and Legal Advice Matters
The Lincoln Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold closed sessions. Closed sessions may be held when clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Reasons that meet this standard include but are not limited to: (a) strategy sessions with respect to collective bargaining, real estate matters, pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body; (b) discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices; (c) investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct; (d) evaluation of the job performance of a person when necessary to prevent needless injury to the reputation of a person and if such person has not requested a public meeting; and (e) legal advice.
At this point, it is appropriate for the Board to meet in closed session for one of the stated matters and/or any other permissible closed session matters in compliance with the law. That the Board hold a closed session: 1. For strategy session with respect to negotiations/collective bargaining clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. 2. For strategy session with respect to property/real estate matters clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
3. For strategy session with respect to pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
4. For discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
5. For investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
6. For personnel and the evaluation of job performance clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
7. For discussions of the legal consequences of specific action and legal advice clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. |