September 11, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||
Notice of the time and place of the Lincoln Board of Education meeting was e-mailed to an extensive list of local and regional news media. A mailing list is maintained at the Lincoln Public Schools District Office. A public notice was published in the LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR.
The Lincoln Board of Education is empowered to act on any item listed on the Agenda at any time during the meeting, irrespective of the time or order listed. Pages listed, or further detail, are available upon request. The Open Meetings Act requires and the intention of the Board is that agenda items be sufficiently descriptive to give the public reasonable notice of the matters to be considered at the meeting. The Lincoln Board of Education releases its agenda well in advance of most meetings and desires that all interested persons are fully informed. Any interested person who has a question or needs clarification about the sufficiency of a descriptive item should contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. |
The attached minutes are intended to accurately reflect the action of the Board at its previous meetings.
Explanation The minutes have been prepared for Board approval.
7.1. Presidential Award For Excellence in Elementary Mathematics Teaching Honors Amy Davidson
Amy Davidson, a third-grade teacher at Fredstrom Elementary School, has been honored by the Nebraska Department of Education with the Presidential Award for Excellence in Elementary Mathematics Teaching. Davidson has taught at Fredstrom since 1998. As a state finalist, Davidson becomes a candidate for the national-level Presidential Award.
As a member of a Primarily Math cohort at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Davidson participates in a concentrated immersion approach, which challenges and supports teachers who take in-depth courses on mathematics.
Schulenberg added, “As a teacher, Amy strives to help her students develop a firm conceptual understanding of mathematical processes, while insisting on mastering basic facts. Problem solving is emphasized in her classroom, and her students typically excel. The other teachers on her team look to Amy for leadership in the area of mathematics. Amy is unselfish and works cooperatively, so that all students in her team are challenged.”
WHEREAS, Amy Davidson has earned the State Presidential Award for Excellence in Elementary Mathematics Teaching, and
WHEREAS, Amy Davidson shares her passion for mathematics with her students by engaging them in empowerment and student-led projects, and
WHEREAS, Amy Davidson’s students continue to perform with excellence utilizing the variety of techniques and strategies Davidson has taught them, and
WHEREAS, Amy Davidson is sought out by teachers in her own school, on her team, and fellow students at the university because of her ability to teach even the toughest concepts.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lincoln Board of Education does hereby congratulate Amy Davidson, third-grade teacher at Fredstrom Elementary School, for earning the State Presidential Award for Excellence in Elementary Mathematics Teaching, for continuing her own education in teaching math, and working to develop the teaching skills of those around her. |
In keeping with Policy 8420, a time limit of five minutes will be allotted for any speaker. At the discretion of the Chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time.
9.1. Human Resources Matters
The Human Resources Division also includes the Office of Risk Management. As such, in addition to the Lincoln Board of Education approving all contractual agreements with employees, all employee benefit issues, all personnel actions, and all other matters within the scope of the Human Resources Division; as part of the Human Resources Matters agenda, the Lincoln Board of Education also must approve the settlement of Workers’ Compensation claims, take action on tort claims filed against the district, and take action on all other matters within the scope of the Office of Risk Management. Explanation: This report includes routine Human Resources changes: a. Certificated Employees: Elections – 3 Re-Elections Same Assignment – 1 Changes of Status – 13 Leaves of Absence – 42 Separations – 2 b. Substitute Certificated Employees: Elections – 43 Changes of Status – 2 Separations – 5 c. Classified Employees: Elections – 44 Changes of Status – 8 Leaves of Absence – 1 Separations – 19 d. Other: Civic Leaves – 1 e. Recommended approval of building only insurance settlement for the Lincoln Public Schools District Office fire. Proposal: That the Board approve the Human Resources items presented in the attachment(s).* *The information in the attachment(s) may be protected by privacy legislation until the Board of Education takes action on the staff recommendations. Therefore, this attachment(s) is not included in agenda materials provided the public and the news media. Any information in the attachment(s) that is not protected by privacy legislation, however, is available for public inspection from the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources upon request. That the Board is approving the Human Resources items attached with the information as presented or as on file with official district records and documents relating to each such item, or in such other form as may be approved by the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources, or her designee, and that the Board hereby authorizes the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources, or her designee, to transact and complete each such item approved hereby, and to sign, execute, and deliver necessary documents or contracts, and to take or cause to be taken any and all other action as may be necessary to complete each such item of transaction as contemplated, for and on behalf of this school district.
9.2. Routine Business
At each meeting, the Board of Education is asked to approve certain items of routine business of the school district. The items included in routine business for this meeting are: a. REGULAR CLAIMS – Claims for the periods ending September 11, 2012, were previously provided. Federal Tax ACH Deposit of $4,377,725.58. Procurement Card ACH Transfer of $85,622.78. Office Depot ACH Transfer of $13,155.46. Vendor ACH Transfer of $1,891.50. b. PAYROLL FOR RATIFICATION – Payroll for the period ending August 31, 2012, in the amount of $12,581,536.40. c. GIFTS – Approval for the gifts listed on the attached gift report. d. BIDS/CONTRACTS/OTHER ROUTINE BUSINESS – Bids/contracts/other routine business will be presented for approval for lamps for stock for use at all district locations; Apple computers for Adams Elementary School; electrical finish package for Lincoln Public Schools District Offices; an agreement with Confucius Institute at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for supplementary support of the Chinese Language and Culture Teaching Program in LPS; an agreement with Focus on Family Learning, Inc. for family literacy programs; an agreement with The HUB Central Access Point for Young Adults to provide dropout prevention and re-engagement services at Lincoln High School; an agreement with Child Guidance Center to provide mental health services to students enrolled in North Star High School; an agreement with Instructional Coaching Group for Jim Knight seminars and training; an agreement with The Leadership and Learning Center for consulting services at Elliott Elementary School; and any other bids/contracts/routine business as presented. Proposal That the Lincoln Board of Education approve the following items of routine business:* a. The regular claims for periods ending September 11, 2012. b. Payroll for the period ending August 31, 2012. c. Gifts for Adams, Belmont, Clinton, Holmes, Irving, Mickle, Park, Randolph, Sheridan, Northeast, Southeast, and the district. d. Bids/contracts/other routine business for lamps for stock for use at all district locations; Apple computers for Adams Elementary School; electrical finish package for Lincoln Public Schools District Offices; an agreement with Confucius Institute at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for supplementary support of the Chinese Language and Culture Teaching Program in LPS; an agreement with Focus on Family Learning, Inc. for family literacy programs; an agreement with The HUB Central Access Point for Young Adults to provide dropout prevention and re-engagement services at Lincoln High School; an agreement with Child Guidance Center to provide mental health services to students enrolled in North Star High School; an agreement with Instructional Coaching Group for Jim Knight seminars and training; an agreement with The Leadership and Learning Center for consulting services at Elliott Elementary School; and any other bids/contracts/routine business as presented. *That the Board is approving routine business and the listed bids and contracts with the information and in the form as presented, and except as to amount bid or total contract price, in such other form as may be approved by the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs, or his designee, and that the Board hereby authorizes the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs, or his designee, to sign, execute, and deliver necessary documents or contracts, and to take or cause to be taken any and all other action as may be necessary to complete the transaction as contemplated, for and on behalf of this school district.
9.3. Late Request for Enrollment Option Out 2012-13
March 15, 2012, was the deadline for enrollment option applications to be completed for students wishing to attend school in a district other than the one in which they reside for the 2012-13 school year. The Lincoln Public Schools Board of Education has authority to waive the deadline for late enrollment option requests (NDE Rule 7, Section 004.05).
Student Number Option District
*The Lincoln Board of Education is empowered to act on any item listed on the Agenda at any time during the meeting, irrespective of the time or order listed. Pages listed, or further detail, are available upon request. The Open Meetings Act requires and the intention of the Board is that agenda items be sufficiently descriptive to give the public reasonable notice of the matters to be considered at the meeting. The Lincoln Board of Education Board releases its agenda well in advance of most meetings and desires that all interested persons are fully informed. Any interested person who has a question or needs clarification about the sufficiency of a descriptive item should contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.
10.1. From Board Committees
10.1.1. 2012-13 Lincoln Public Schools Property Tax Request
A hearing was held earlier this evening on whether the Board of Education should approve or modify the preliminary property tax request for Lancaster County School District 001 – Lincoln Public Schools (Attachment One).
Explanation The 2012-13 budget of Lincoln Public Schools has already been adopted. According to state law Section 77-1601.02, the preliminary tax request for the district shall be the property tax request from the prior year, unless the school district holds a hearing and sets the property tax request at a different amount. The prior year’s property tax request would not correctly fund the 2012-13 budget, which has already been formally adopted by the Board of Education. Attachment Two reflects last year’s property tax rates, this year’s initial estimate, and the final property tax rates for 2012-13. Staff recommends that the following resolution be adopted so that the 2012-13 budget may be funded as adopted. A simple majority vote is required. Proposal That the Board of Education discuss the following proposed resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Lancaster County School District 001 hereby sets the district’s 2012-13 property tax request at a different amount from that of the 2011-12 fiscal year and that, pursuant to State Law Sections 79-1601.02, 79-1085, and other Nebraska laws, does hereby set the 2012-13 Lincoln Public Schools property tax request, including the county’s collection fee and any delinquent tax allowances, as follows:
and THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if updated valuation, budget, or other pertinent information is subsequently received by Lincoln Public Schools or by Lancaster County, Lincoln Public Schools, its administration, and the County shall adjust the property tax request to reflect the updated information pursuant to State Law Sections 77-1601, 79-1085, and other Nebraska laws.
10.2. From the Superintendent
10.2.1. Northeast High School Lumina Grant Application
The Lumina Foundation believes that education provides the basis for individual opportunity, economic vitality, and social stability. With its partners, Lumina strives to meet workforce demands and close gaps in attainment for groups not historically well-served by higher education. Lumina’s overarching goal is to increase the higher education attainment rate of the United States to 60 percent by 2025.
Explanation The LNE College Readiness Initiative will primarily serve low-income, minority, and first-generation college students in grades 9-12. Approximately 70 percent of LNE students are first-generation college students. Goal 1: Increase on-time graduation rate:
Goal 2: Increase GPA and college entrance exam scores for low-income and minority students:
Goal 3: Increase enrollment in post-secondary programs for low-income, minority, and first-generation college students:
That the Board discuss submission of the grant from Northeast High School to the Lumina Foundation for $200,000 over a five-year period. No matching funds required. |
10.2.2. Proposed Agreement With Paraeducators
The Board of Education has recognized the Lincoln Paraeducators Association and Ken Babcock negotiated with this group. A tentative agreement with the group has been reached. Explanation The tentative agreement for the group calls for a two and one-half (2.5) percent total package increase for 2012-13. The total package increase for 2013-14 is 1.89 percent. This settlement is within the parameters set by the Board of Education. Included in the package increases are all district costs including the district’s contributions to health insurance, state retirement, and Social Security. Proposal That the Board discuss the proposed agreement with the Lincoln Paraeducators Association for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years. |
11.1. From Board Committees
11.2. From the Superintendent
11.2.1. Proposed Agreement With Office Professionals
The Board of Education has recognized the Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Professionals and Ken Babcock negotiated with this group. A tentative agreement with the group has been reached. Explanation The tentative agreement for the group calls for a two and one-half (2.5) percent total package increase for 2012-13. The total package increase for 2013-14 is 1.89 percent. This settlement is within the parameters set by the Board of Education. Included in the package increases are all district costs including the district’s contributions to health insurance, state retirement, and Social Security. Proposal That the Board ratify the proposed agreement with the Office Professionals for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years. |
11.2.2. Item(s) Removed from Consent Agenda
11.2.3. Expedited/Emergency Actions
12.1. From Board Committees
12.2. From the Superintendent
12.2.1. Superintendent Update
September 12 - 12:00 p.m., Face the Chamber @ Lincoln Country Club
September 16 - 2:00 p.m., Roper Elementary Open House September 18 - 6:00 p.m., Board Work Session @ NASB September 19 - 5: 30 p.m., NASB Area Membership Meeting @ La Vista Conference Center September 21 - 7:30 p.m., 50th Anniversary Celebration for Seacrest Field September 23 - 2:00 p.m., Kloefkorn Elementary Dedication September 25 - 6:00 p.m., Board Meeting |
In keeping with Policy 8420, a time limit of five minutes will be allotted for any speaker. At the discretion of the Chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time.
15.1. Request for Closed Session - Negotiations/Collective Bargaining, Property/Real Estate, Litigation, Security, Criminal Misconduct, Personnel, and Legal Advice Matters
The Lincoln Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold closed sessions. Closed sessions may be held when clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Reasons that meet this standard include but are not limited to: (a) strategy sessions with respect to collective bargaining, real estate matters, pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body; (b) discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices; (c) investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct; (d) evaluation of the job performance of a person when necessary to prevent needless injury to the reputation of a person and if such person has not requested a public meeting; and (e) legal advice.
At this point, it is appropriate for the Board to meet in closed session for one of the stated matters and/or any other permissible closed session matters in compliance with the law. That the Board hold a closed session: 1. For strategy session with respect to negotiations/collective bargaining clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. 2. For strategy session with respect to property/real estate matters clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
3. For strategy session with respect to pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
4. For discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
5. For investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
6. For personnel and the evaluation of job performance clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
7. For discussions of the legal consequences of specific action and legal advice clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. |
The Lincoln Board of Education is empowered to act on any item listed on the Agenda at any time during the meeting, irrespective of the time or order listed. Pages listed, or further detail, are available upon request. The Open Meetings Act requires and the intention of the Board is that agenda items be sufficiently descriptive to give the public reasonable notice of the matters to be considered at the meeting. The Lincoln Board of Education releases its agenda well in advance of most meetings and desires that all interested persons are fully informed. Any interested person who has a question or needs clarification about the sufficiency of a descriptive item should contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.