February 5, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
2. Public Comment on Agenda Items
3. Executive Session
3.A. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Routine Personnel Matters and Other Personnel Matters including Duties of Employees and Public Officers
3.B. The Board will meet in closed session under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Consideration of a Possible Amendment to the Superintendent’s Contract
3.C. The Board Will meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.076 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Deliberate the Deployment, or Specific Occasions for Implementation of Security Personnel or Devices, or to Deliberate a Security Audit
3.D. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act in Consultation with the Board's Attorney Regarding All Matters as Authorized by Law including Legal Issues Surrounding Public Finance
4. Action as Needed from Executive Session
4.A. Request for Consideration of Termination of Term Contract Employee for Good Cause Effective Immediately (S. Griffin)
4.B. Request for Approval of Amendment to the Superintendent's Contract
5. Action
5.A. Request for Approval of Boundaries Adjustments due to Treasure Forest Elementary Closure
5.B. Request for Approval of Boundaries Adjustments due to Panda Path School Closure
6. Reports and Discussions
6.A. Update on Campus Safety Detection Audit Findings
7. Closing Remarks by the Superintendent
8. Meeting Adjourned